
I doesn't matter if they're better. If that were a valid argument we'd all have grown up with a library of Betamax movies. Strange that this is Sony at it again with a seemingly losing strategy.

The last one I would agree with, had I not received $600 from GadgetCity.com a few years back. Timing is everything though, as they are now out of business and the parent company, NetBlue, Inc. is nowhere to be found. I did indeed received a bonafide $600 check (for a "free PS3") after spending about $50 on

Once again, the InvisibleShield is a very good solution to the problem some have experienced. It is superior in quality and performance to any other product I've seen.

I ordered from AT&T on the 15th before 12pm MST and my order does not show shipped. Sons of...

I voted... but not for these clowns.

Had to call AT&T Premier Business Support. Got it done in just a few minutes.

Not in SLC.

@stop2: The video at the end of the keynote showed the glass flexing to an incredible degree. So if that was the same piece of glass used in the actual phones, then it is indeed fairly flexible. Who knows if this was a prototype that has a different type of glass.

@bazookafox: Why would you need iOS4 jailbroken within a day of launch? I would bet most of you saying that you "care" are not even running OS4, so, though you care, it doesn't matter anyway.

@rudyfrederic: And that's why you don't program. (But neither do I!)

@KingKash: What I meant was: what a waste of time.

I'll say what everyone is thinking: "WHO CARES?"

@Stem_Sell: I concur. She's at least 50 ft in her current position.

@DoctorNine: Hybrid tech is a load of crap at this point. Given the higher initial purchase price and higher maintenance costs of hybrid engines, most models aren't projected to break even with standard ICE engines until about their 7th year. And the last time I checked, that's 3 or 4 years longer than most people

@AkkiRonin: That's the best solution I've heard so far.

Hmmm... I run on E85 for about $1.20/gallon cheaper here and well above the EPA rated mpgs at about the same as gasoline. I must just drive more efficiently.