
D'Arcy is something of a chameleon. Can't tell you how blown my mind was to find that the Russian bad guy in Let's Be Cops, Jarvis on "Agent Carter" and Anthony Perkins in Hitchcock were all the same guy.

And maybe, her siblings Jack and Diane will stop in to wish her luck. Let's us wish her luck, too.

Deep dish pizza. 'Nuff said.

Just wanted to say that director Tony Leondis is also responsible for the underrated animated feature Igor. It's nice that the people working on this movie can get their bills paid…and that's really all. Let the rest of the internet dump on this movie. I really don't care.

I'm an old man (36 years young). My memory betraying me is as natural as breathing.

David Oyelowo (The Butler, The Help, I think Hidden Figures) is British, but then, he wasn't really the lead in those movies.

Go back to Russia!

I live my endless life a quarter second at a time.

It can be two things.

Does Smith's character's name translate to 'shithead' in Orc language? If not, what's the point?

Just what I was thinking.

4.5 Buckaroo Banzai

8. The Losers (underrated movie, BTW).

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Re-watching it earlier this year, I'm fairly mystified by how beloved it is. Some good moments, but the film just forgets about its fascinating hook, getting more and more ridiculous. And seeing so many obvious stuntmen was a major distraction.

Given the rage that greeted it, you'd think it would suck. Far too many mustache gags, but painless; at least as good as a second-rate Pink Panther sequel. Depp does a decent Terry-Thomas, but Paul Bettany is truly funny as his manservant.

The 'There's no time to waste!' gag may well be the hardest I've laughed at that show. Man, that first season was gold…then the show went on and on and on…

Not sure about the rest of you, but I can't deal with Abigail Breslin as a woman. To me, she'll always be that adorable little girl from Signs.

Yeah. You can kind of hear them from the sides yelling, "Do you get it?! Wink!" The sad thing is that there could be a great takedown of rom-coms, but this is (to quote a significantly better Wain joint) a goddamn goof.

Really liked it myself.