
Face/Off doesn't hold up. At all.

You're obviously thinking of the remake. The original is something of a gem from Canada. It did help invent the slasher movie, after all.

Anthony Hopkins, Matthew Broderick and John Cusack were all in The Road to Wellville.

If the writing, at any point, had evolved beyond "C'mon, guys, if we pull together, we can make things happen."/"OMG, this bitch is the fucking worst!", it probably would've gotten a second season. C'est la vie.

Getting their asses kicked because their dumb-ass parents named them Box?

Honest to Christ, guilty pleasures don't come any guiltier than The Spirit. So bad, yet so, so entertaining.

IIRC, it wasn't the killing of his dog that set him off; the pooch was collateral damage along the way.

That's nothing. Shit's about to go off!

One moment near the end aside, that movie is fun on a bun. Ridiculous, yet entertaining.

*watching Two and a Half Men*

It's cold every day! What is this, Miami Beach?

If nothing else, every moment Terry Crews is on screen is side-splitting.

I dunno; 'Vvvvvvvvapin'!' just doesn't have the same ring.

Good hook, good art direction, but Holy Moses that fucking dialogue. Terrible doesn't scratch the surface.

I caught it earlier this year. That this made the list and not Men in Black, Austin Powers or Cats Don't Dance is a tall glass of liquid bullshit. An interesting hook that the film just forgets about, too many obvious stuntmen and an ungodly length. And this was #2? Just like when kids from around that time claim that

Between this and his underrated work on The Jackal, Carter Burwell was on fire that year. Pity, he's not asked to score more action movies…or he has no interest in doing them. Either way, a shame.

Fuckin' A right it deserved to be on this list, far more so than Face/Off and The Game.

Crazy pills, etc.


Make mine Friday.