
Four; Heston's cameo is pretty neat, but yeah, that's it.

A scene of apes playing baseball in a Planet of the Apes movie.

That scene of Tripper trolling the reporter will never not be hilarious.

Never seen the movie, but I do have the soundtrack. Very beautifully gloomy music by Ennio Morricone.

Again, some very funny bits (That's Armageddon, A Fistful of Yen), but a good deal of that film's humor strikes me as 'You had to be there'. Maybe, it's funnier if you're of a certain age (old enough to understand all the references or if you first saw it in your teens).

That was half-sarcastic, half trying to mimic the line from Four Weddings.

Do you think she's a terrible actress? I hadn't noticed.

Jumping Robin after his wife dies, then Robin dies and he ends up with Stella. A lifetime in New Jersey is pretty much what Ted deserves after that. Good call.

1. Hot Fuzz/Scott Pilgrim
2. Baby Driver
3. Shaun of the Dead
4. The World's End

About Amazon, someone at IMDb hit the nail on the head: 'The reason chapter-skipping was invented for DVDs'.

I will genuinely go to bat for 3. Not every gag lands, but more of them hit than not and Zucker's experience gave it a shot in the arm.

Fuckin' A(.A.) right, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Really one of those premises that went like gangbusters in the pitch, but no one noticed (or if they did, it was too late to do jack shit about it) how messed-up the premise is.

The rom-com stuff really derails what, for an hour, was a pretty clever little movie.

No sabes nada, Juan Snow.

On that note, am I the only guy who thought that the cook at Bo's was Nick Frost?

I thought that was Montez. Thanks for clarifying.

That scene of the Landlord and Landlady suddenly appearing in Brother Sum's limo will never not be funny.

Movie Announcement Day is a very dangerous day.

Looks weirdly adorable. I might check it out.

I kind of like it, too. Yeah, it's a comedy of embarrassment, but the absurdist humor lifts it far above your average Ben Stiller vehicle. Bill Conti's Carl-Stalling-on-crack score isn't for everyone, but it has its moments (though Tom Scott's rejected psuedo-Herrmann score is even better).