
True, but it takes a bit of reaction to get them to break off. Now if the vampires were also electrically changed enough to cause electrolysis, then the oxygen would be free to interact with the diamond lattice of the vampire causing desorbtion.

the older the better?

Don't forget the Dark Portal, from Warcraft, I'm talking old school not the MMO.

Probably because she wanted to be like Whoopi Goldberg.

Mmmm fish head... fish head... rolly polly fish head.

I think while a good idea for a test, this would need further testing to find out if sentience or sapience matters in this test at al by starting with animals that have no known possibility of those traits, and working their way up to humans. Of course it would need to be animals that use sound the way we do for it to

my first thought too. Occam's razor ftw

I kept expecting something horrible to happen to me while watching it.

It sounds to me that you have quite a bit of muscle, but your skeleton should be exactly the same as everyone else albeit taller or shorter depending on height.

Literally big boned? I've never seen a overweight skeleton.

why would a goa'uld need a detective.

Probably not a good idea to add mass to our middle aged sun. but in reality even plopping all of earth would fall short or a catastrophe.

I like this one but would love the (minor spoiler) different one you meet on the conveyor belt.

Of all the dragons in wow, I personally think the current antagonist Deathwing is a better candidate. He pretty much single-handedly brought about the end of the world, twice. And the first time they destroyed him he just took a nap in the center of the planes.

I actually was day dreaming about this recently. Though my rocket idea was a one way trip to the moon. I have little hope in getting there commercially.

Aren't we still in a sort of solar minimum? I was under the impression the ozone layer was created in part by the complex interactions of solar particles with our atmosphere, and with the sun not as active as it normally is would cause the ozone layer to be thinner.

They do have that on this show, sorta, basically the new way to do it on most shows I watch, is they show the previous scenes from all the episodes that relate to the current episode.

You just had to mention the kid out the doggy door. That scene, which I saw when I was about that boys age at the time, scared me to the point that I had nightmares for years.

people who haven't seen it are a scientific conundrum, they didn't want to bring that in an risk tainting their results :)