
So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?

I knew I recognized that guy

Nah, I got it. Should’ve thrown the “/s” in my post. haha


The camera wasn’t hidden, so they had no reasonable expectation of privacy—especially in someone else’s car that they didn’t have permission to be using for this purpose.

I hope he gets some resolution here, because that’s a shitty business practice. I’m also glad he caught them.

Dealers actually get smart with dashcams. They actually look for them and disconnect. When I confronted dealer about it, they claimed that they wanted to prevent battery drain / interference with diagnostics.

Vegas 2018: The NHL tries to help certain teams win? Who would dare to even suggest this?

Back in high school we had a science teacher who taught us how to use a compass. He would take us out to a huge 300+ acre forest and map out compass courses with tree identification tests (latin names of course) and he would also hide money prizes along the way. We would spend 8+ hours by ourselves working through the

Back in high school we had a science teacher who taught us how to use a compass. He would take us out to a huge 300+

In only their second season! Some teams wait decades to finally get screwed in the playoffs.

You got screwed in the playoffs.  Congratulations, you’re officially an NHL franchise.

*adjusts tinfoil hat*

I’ve had a beard since I got out of the Navy in 1989. I think of it as a very thick layer of foundation which helps to hide just exactly how unattractive I am. If I was Jason Momoa, Chris Evans or the other people on your list I think I might shave too. What do they have to hide? The fact that they have jawlines and

Mustang is crowned the best-selling sports car in the United States

I never understood this argument. You’re not buying a sports car. I own a 2012 4Runner. I don’t need it to be fast or have a lot of gears.

For reliability, which was our #1 concern when we got it, you can’t go wrong.  And honestly, I know more gears are the thing and all, but we have zero problems with the 5 speeds or engine power.  It is more than fine in every situation.

Drive one and you’ll understand.

Certainly the $100,000 price tag of a LC has nothing to do with it