Maybe if you’d read the article, you would have noticed that the issue was the method of measuring.
Hint: There was no radar/laser use.
Maybe if you’d read the article, you would have noticed that the issue was the method of measuring.
Hint: There was no radar/laser use.
And you clearly don’t read because it was stated that the cop made an “educated guess” on the person’s speed and the cop was going below the speed limit when he was passed.
On the contrary, he probably studied really hard to get that unpaid internship.
That guy in the gif must have had some shitty grades in high school to get that job.
The family or the boy in particular may be religious, especially with the answer about God and family. Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t say the pledge and I believe that’s true of some other religious groups such as Quakers (Society of Friends). This may be more of a faith issue than politics à la Kaepernick.
It’s gonna grab all the South Gina.
Oh Christ, we’re going to have an aircraft carrier named for him, aren’t we? It’s gonna be the biggest, most luxurious CVN in the fleet. It’ll be yuge, folks, and it’s gonna patrol the South Gina Sea. Believe me.
Picking up North Korea rockets from the sea floor?
“Was the mission a success?”
12 years was probably long enough to earn the title: *First Class* Petty Officer Dickhead...
No need, the Navy’s stellar year in the news is plenty enough.
Disclaimer: 12 years Active Duty Navy service. So that’s (former) Petty Officer Dickhead to you.
At least we know which sub Stef would serve on if she was in the Navy
Yup - came here to say the same thing.
you know... I can’t really stand Parker... but I do watch his content for entertainment, and some educational purposes... SO... that being said,
That’s what happens when someone forgets to lock the dieselgate.
Same bullshit as happened in Denver.
They replaced the (admittedly ageing) Mile High Stadium (capacity 76,000) with the $400-million Sports Authority field (capacity....76,000). $54-million of that came from *federal* tax money, I can’t find any dollar figures for state/local tax money.
I’m still fidgeting over the fact that they haven’t announced a renewal yet. The MST3K Kickstarter update over the weekend said things looked good but Joel isn’t allowed to say anything yet.
Now I want pizza. Thanks Alan.
I'm with you there - when I get a huge pizza, or I know I'll have tons of leftovers, I just freeze what I don't want immediately. Makes for a lifesaver in the toaster oven on those days when I just can't be arsed to cook lunch...or breakfast...or dinner. :D
I usually buy an XL for myself, eat 2 or 3 slices and immediately freeze the rest. Once frozen, pack em in zip bags best for freezers and they'll be really good for 2 weeks.
When you feel like it, just thaw and put em in the toaster oven. They'll come out crispy and the cheese real chewy. Dammit i want a pizza now!