
Call me when you get a hat-trick that involves a goal, a fight, and an assist in the same game named after you. Sure, there are other great classic players (lookin’ at you, Ted Lindsay), but for fuck’s sake eh, show some respect, ya hoser.

Kidding aside, the fact that anyone remembers any of these guys is astonishing

There are still plenty o’ open canyons to carve here in Colorado, you just have to know when and where to go.  Hell, you can still drive up Mt. Evans a little later in the evening during the week and have a ball.  Just keep an eye out for road cyclists (masochists) and hikers.  

I think Jaguar gets a pass for time unending because they gave us the STOCK exhaust note on the F-Type R V8. They can do whatever the fuck they want forever as far as I’m concerned, so long as they still produce that vehicle with that exhaust. My god. It’s a thing of pure beauty and demonic conjurings.

I definitely agree and at least two of my partners in the last few years have remarked at how much I adored the man. Man crush or not, he was just a damn beautiful human being.

That made me well up a little and I’m sorry for the loss of your husband too. I’m not sure I believe in heaven either, but I’d like to think that it would involve exactly what you just described.

Hopefully the interior wasn’t a complete stye after he got out though. That would just be downright boarish of Ramone.

Hey, so you’re way out here too? Tell you what, if I see you on teevee tomorrow and they’re saying “disappeared without a trace” I’ll call the park rangers and tell them you’re probably just broke down on that one trail, bring a tow strap. You’d do the same for me, right, buddy?

hahaha now now that must have just been an exception. I usually get a friendly wave from really any other brand or make of vehicle. However, we kind of fall out of our cars waving when it’s another cool modified 4Runner. lol

Bah, all Jeep drivers did was usurp the rural/remote area wave. That’s what we do when we’re off-roading or way out in the woods, and I have experienced it in the northern woods of Michigan and the mountains where I live now (Colorado). I own a 4Runner and get and give the wave out in yonder remote locales. I really

As a born and raised Metro and then City Proper Detroiter, I applaud this series. While I reside now in Denver, every time I go home I’m blown away by the “Fuck it, it still drives” mentality of my kinfolk.

That being said, Colorado uses a type of liquid salt that really isn’t *that* much better. A friend of mine out

Using the comments section for *transmission* of such a bad pun is *tired*.

Daaannng! Sleeper kinja screen name and sleeper car! Welcome! There aren’t nearly as many Rs out here as other places like the east coast so we have a way more unique car than the Audi/BMW dimes a dozen. Although that seems to be changing as the Rs are more available now, but it’s still a pretty rare sighting!

Yeaaaah...last Spring was a particularly bad one. Here’s my not so slow ass Golf getting pummeled during that storm. I didn’t think it had damage initially but eventually found a few tiny dimples in the roof. The repair was estimated close to $600 and my deductible was $500, so I didn’t end up going through with it at

Denverite here too and I agree with you. It hails with regular frequency here, we have tornadoes just east of the airport quite a bit since it’s the boarder of Tornado Alley. Where’s our news story!?

Wait, can I ask them to remove the limiter for my R then!? Serious question. I know I can get rid of it when I get an APR tune (after my warranty runs out), but just wondering since it’s mentioned in this article.

I flip off speed cameras on camera vans around Denver here, but I do it while going the speed limit and making hilarious faces. I usually know they are coming up thanks to other Waze users giving the heads-up, so that helps. I’m surprised more people don’t do this. I’ve also wanted to reenact that one hero from Texas

Great article! Really informative and answered a lot of questions I always wondered about when I see ships. Granted my experience is limited to growing up in Michigan and seeing the lake freighters, but still...super neat.

My Dad’s ‘84 Supra cost him $500 in the 80s. He bought it with a blown engine and rebuilt it by hand! So, there were discounts to be had back in the day. lol

I’d hope they’d at least be polite enough to sing “Everybody BRRRRRRRRRRTS...everybody cries” to the tune of REM’s “Everybody Hurts” whilst they unleash hell from above.