
You meant Michelobangelo. Thank you, thank you, I’ll just see myself out now.

I was coming here to say just this.

Thank you,

This is neat/scary! I wish it took into account topo features though as I understand things like mountains and hills can have a severe limiting factor in the damage from a nuclear weapon (e.g. Nagasaki).

4Runner. It has the added advantage of being able to find free primitive camping off-roads in Western states. It’s ridiculously reliable, and you can get a great example of one for $10k. Gas mileage isn’t terrible either, but you’ll be making up for any reduction in milage with the reliability.

Seriously times a million. Why is this even a debate!? A pair of Dickie’s coveralls is less than $40 on Amazon and they will last you your entire life of wrenching on your car at home. I realized this after years of ruining a lot of clothes myself, but I’m a complete fucking moron, so that’s my excuse...

Not all heroes wear capes. There are more than a few of us who have wished someone would do something creative to mobile or stationary speed cameras. I always was thinking of the more humorous and less illegal route like pulling my plates, getting a large costume animal head to wear out the window, and blowing by it

They also go through far more extensive driver’s training, so it’s the complete package that I’d like with that deal. And yes, I said “it’s the complete package that I’d like”...in my mouth.

The cop’s ticket really made the story for me. Glad to see cops in still have a sense of humor. =)

Yes! I have WS80s on my Golf R here in Colorado and it is absolutely unstoppable in the mountains in the winter. I wasn’t a winter tire believer until I found myself absolutely planted during a blizzard and I was able to comfortably and safely maintain normal-ish speeds and stopping distances (don’t worry, relatively

The appropriate response from Kevin should be “Sher-man! Anytime!”

Binance is pretty neat, but the downside is that it’s crypto only, so you have to get your FIAT into crypto and then transfer the crypto to the exchange. I just used my Coinbase account for USD > ETH and then ETH > Binance and trade from there. The advantage to transferring ETH or LTC is that it tends to be quicker

Agreed, but the downside to GDAX is it is technically the same as Coinbase, and when Coinbase goes down, GDAX usually does too.

Nice! I am reminded with posts like these that NYC really is a car enthusiast town. I know that mind sound silly to an insider, but to the casual outsider you would think it wouldn’t be simply because driving there sounds like a chore. Let alone how long it takes to get to a real enthusiast style road replete with

Thanks! You can really see the sand pitting in good detail. lol Ah well, it still puts a smile on my face even if the paint isn’t still pristine. Cheers!

“/s” at the end of their comment is all the indication one needs of how serious they might be.

And those of us who enjoy eating our meals on tray tables while we watch those screens? There isn’t enough room on tray tables for doing both of those things simultaneously. Oh, and also for those of us who don’t want to own a tablet, there isn’t enough room for a laptop to be open enough to see the screen in most

I was just going to mention this. Every time I fly home to DTW I love hearing the birds chirping around above the tramway. I always wondered if they ever make it onto planes but figured they didn’t since that would be a huge safety issue. Turns out I was wrong.

Not to speak ill of the dead, but...the Ren Cen is an eyesore when compared to the other great buildings downtown. The Guardian, the Penobscot, One Woodward, Ally Detroit Center, and the Book Cadillac all have more timeless appeal than that late 70s coke-fueled, Robocop-era, eyesore.

Art is subjective, so that is

I was wondering the same thing. I didn’t know who he was but it sure as shit looks like an Oldsmobile or whatever. lol

I love my blue Golf R and I really will probably only get blue cars from now on. Howwwwever...they’re a pain in the ass to keep looking their best, especially if you don’t have a garage to park in and live in a 4-season climate that likes putting fucking rocks, sorry, “sand” on the road for “traction”.