Mrs Roper's Caftan

The white reggae band with two black guys on guitar (including the front man), a Puerto Rican, and two other guys (who were, indeed, white)? That diverse, multicultural band that looks like America and sang about peace?

Given how he jumped ship the moment he didn’t get his way last time I seriously doubt that...

... that’s what a primary is. You go after your opponent. Or do we all forget the 2008 primary (which was FAR FAR more vicious than 2016)?

the continued habit of only being in the party when he can get something out of it and then to leave

That’s just not true. He endorsed Hillary at the 2016 Democratic Convention and then campaigned for Hillary on the road. It’s not fair to confuse the behavior of some Bernie-or-die supporters with the actions of the man himself.

The vast majority of them voted for Clinton.

Didn't he travel the country campaigning for Clinton?

I love Meadows responding in the finest tradition of the Lindsay Graham school of melodramatic pearl clutching.

Shut the absolute fuck up.

I’d normally have a lot of things to say about a take this shitty, but in honor of Brody, I’m keeping my POSITIVE ENERGY going. 

“..I was elected by almost a million vote plurality!..”

I am fascinated by the conservative shitstorm about AOC. And I agree, what it really boils down to is they are scared shitless by her political potential. And I’m not even particularly a fan of hers or think she’s the progressive messiah her fans seem to think she is, but I know a natural politician when I see one. She

Hollllly shit. These people are so far removed from empathy and understanding they can’t even talk to children basically asking her to help them have a future. Purge the rich, make lobbying fucking illegal, remove money from fucking campaigns. If campaigns were run on the character of the person instead of how much

“That resolution will not pass the Senate. And you can take that back to whoever sent you here.”

“Well, you didn’t vote for me,” Feinstein replied.

She could have kept her legacy of being the one to fly the Confederate flag at San Francisco’s city hall, but nooo, she had to go and become the one to tell children who don’t want their environment to murder them that they’re crisis actors.

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

She was born in The Bronx.  She’s not an immigrant, she just gets treated like one.

Every younger woman in a leadership position has experienced this. The combination of sexualizing you while belittling your intelligence is a two-pronged strategy men use to demean you when they feel threatened by your power. My solution is to just femme it up even more while continuing to run shit the way I please.

I’m so tired of hearing discussions about her looks.  She is young, has a lot of energy, and is bringing obscure political topics to the forefront.  I studied things like marginal tax rate and gerrymandering and never understood why they weren’t more discussed.  I’m also really annoyed that a topic like investment for