Mrs Roper's Caftan

Words don’t mean anything to these fuckwits.

“There’s an allegation by the acting FBI director at the time that the deputy attorney general was basically trying to do an administrative coup, take the president down [through] the 25th Amendment process,” Graham said on Face the Nation.

“There’s an allegation by the acting FBI director at the time that the deputy attorney general was basically trying to do an administrative coup, take the president down [through] the 25th Amendment process,” Graham said on Face the Nation.

Any deal that involves the state paying for a helicopter pad for the richest man in the world is too shitty to be “fixed.”

“Guys, it’s okay! Just because they abuse workers in their warehouses, don’t pay all of their employees a living wage, and frequently dodge taxes even though they’re one of the most powerful companies in the USA with the richest man in the world running it, doesn’t mean that New York should’ve kicked them to the curb!

So, so disagree. The American people, even those who voted for Trump, have finally figured out that they are being screwed over by corporations and the wealthy, and Elizabeth Warren is the only candidate so far who has actually come out and said this.

How are we paying for the war on terror? What about how to “pay” for the tax cuts? Or how to pay for Trump’s increased defense spending, how are those paid for?

the short answer would be, she has fairly good progressive cred, enough experience to have a realisitc network to get things done in office, and still would be the first woman prsident. I like Kamala, but if its her, i’ll be ok with that. naturally, i would vote for a pineapple over Trump, but her credentials are, if

Thats pretty ageist.

Imagine if you were denying a qualified 67 year woman a job in a corporation.

Would you still make the same argument?

Women only get better with age, 69 isn’t old, and I would prefer a candidate with experience and who has a far greater understanding of history than a 45 year old. Also wisdom, I would hope.

This is the most adorable twist ending. I was bracing myself for a horror show. :D

I was visiting friends in the Bay area and took the BART into SF in the middle of the day. I was aware of its rep for crazies, but I ride public transit in Chicago all the time, so I’m not easily intimidated. At S. San Francisco, a disheveled man with a large shopping cart boarded and sat behind me. After a stop or

One of the greatest displays of community spirit I’ve ever witnessed was on the L at rush hour. It was so crowded I could barely get my coffee mug to my face, but there was this woman hauling an obviously miserable six year old child who started to make little retching sounds, and someone else yelled “WE NEED A BAG

Did splinter create a powerpoint presentation to appease corporate interests, or did they just tell you about it? It seems like the one trying to split the party here is the staffer who made the presentation. The voting public seems pretty set on public healthcare.

Eh, this shit sucks. There shouldn’t be a problem with outlets pointing at a big pile of sucky shit and saying “Hey, that shit sucks.”

Worthless corporate Democrats fighting against Universal Health Care, that the civilized world has, is the harsh reality that blows your half-assed theory out of the water.

Because they are reporting news you don't want to trouble your beautiful mind with?

It’s a leftist site pushing left politics. The View is on if it’s too much for your bitch ass

There’s what I expect from the centrists!

Historically disenfranchised people never got equal rights by asking nicely or waiting until after the check came.