He said he canceled because of “this lie.” Which would be the press release in the story. He didn’t say that actually shutting down the server is what made him cancel.
He said he canceled because of “this lie.” Which would be the press release in the story. He didn’t say that actually shutting down the server is what made him cancel.
He said he canceled because of “this lie.” Which would be the press release in the story. He didn’t say that actually shutting down the server is what made him cancel.
He said he canceled because of “this lie.” Which would be the press release in the story. He didn’t say that actually shutting down the server is what made him cancel.
Same to you. He said he canceled because of “this lie.” Which would be the press release in the story. He didn’t say that actually shutting down the server is what made him cancel.
Overwatch came out a couple weeks ago. How did this story, printed today, make you cancel your preorder?
It’s slightly egregious to blame every lost subscription on this. I doubt all 7 million of those lost subscriptions (I'll take your word that's the correct number) would have kept paying every month if only the game hadn't changed once I. The last 8-9 years
+1 for the GR reference
I love your name almost as much as I love PI 2: The Cavaliering
I see you Bill Simmons
I don't owe Clinton my vote. As a person with basic empathy I feel like I owe it to racial and religious minorities, women, and the LGBTQ community to vote against Trump.
Sure, but it seems highly improbable as long as he’s losing the pledged delegate count. Yes he won Oregon, but it was so close he's only netting +4 delegates.
What’s your alternative? Bitch and complain until the system changes? Send death threats to party officials like in Nevada and try to scare them into changing the rules? (That’s borderline terrorism by the way).
Better be careful Anna. If you don’t immediately retract this story and start praising Bernie you’ll probably end up with death threats and being doxxed.
That line would be 3.14 : 1
If I remember the books correctly, we’re told, but never actually see, that he is taken prisoner by Frey at the Red Wedding and held hostage to keep his family in line.
So the show human has a show dog?
I would buy anything - an album, a book of poetry - if it was title “A Paralyzed Mute with an Unfamiliar Penis”.