
Lord Vader on line 1, Says he needs his helmet back.

Nope, never got past the jumping puzzle in 1. I’m looking to the east for Portal 3, but this is Valve so the third day will never come.

Too many bad third entries of trilogies have scared Gaben for life

Rape is a cruel and unusual punishment for getting blackout drunk in your 20s, but the victim has to serve that sentence for life. I said a 90 year old assuming 70 years after a crime committed in the hypothetical rapist 20s.

Be calm friend, her fate was “late addition to the poster” and she is saved now.

True, but Infinity War was worse and she made it there.

The funniest part to me is she has billing on the overstuffed Infinity War poster, edging out half the Guardians, Nebula and Wong. I saw an edit on twitter earlier that just removed all names and just had the title and maybe that’s a better way to go when you have a million people and are adding more all the time.

My guess would be she was a late addition to the poster, maybe someone realized they didn’t have any representation from Black Panther and had her edited in right quick. So they made a mistake, fixed some of the mistake, and twitter pointed out the rest of the mistake for them.

And if they do show up at someones door when they’re old and retired, if the crime can be proven and a conviction secured, a punishment should be arranged. Maybe not jail time for a 90 year old, say if the cost of incarceration would be to costly to the taxpayer, but something to send the message to society that some

I miss this comic

I’ve never seen that before but thank you, im dyin right now

Cause that would take time and desire for something truly new, and Hollywood has neither

That would actually be a funny nod, but I think Buffy and Faith would be better.

I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover but, everything in that picture is a fucking flag. The grin, the bow tie, the vest, the hair, the Micky ferris wheel, by themselves fine, but as a total package, more flags then you’d get for suplexing Tom Brady.

I thought there was a ruling or something that, because he is the president, he couldn’t delete his tweets. Am I remembering that wrong?

Just anecdotally but, I just turned 41, my mom will turn 29 later this year, interestingly she turned 29 the year before and the year before that.

Sure, would you like Justin Beiber, Chad Kroger, or Mike Myers?

I read it as the the Joker myself

But the stories are the best part! Back when I carried cash beggars got nothing but a storyteller got something every time.