
“well that’s a pretty bad way to start a conversation”

Maybe not by Tarantino, but, why not cross the streams. The Fast and the ‘Formers: The Furious Headmasters. If they do that F&F/JP crossover you can have a Beast Wars era transformer like Dinobot or Megatron as the stinger.

Maybe not by Tarantino, but, why not cross the streams. The Fast and the ‘Formers: The Furious Headmasters. If they do that F&F/JP crossover you can have a Beast Wars era transformer like Dinobot or Megatron as the stinger.

Maybe not by Tarantino, but, why not cross the streams. The Fast and the ‘Formers: The Furious Headmasters. If they do that F&F/JP crossover you can have a Beast Wars era transformer like Dinobot or Megatron as the stinger.

Maybe not by Tarantino, but, why not cross the streams. The Fast and the ‘Formers: The Furious Headmasters. If they do that F&F/JP crossover you can have a Beast Wars era transformer like Dinobot or Megatron as the stinger.

Maybe not by Tarantino, but, why not cross the streams. The Fast and the ‘Formers: The Furious Headmasters. If they do that F&F/JP crossover you can have a Beast Wars era transformer like Dinobot or Megatron as the stinger.

Or Harry Potter it and cut it into 2 movies. Run each for 1-2 weeks. You still keep the FOMO of seeing it as it was “really intended” to be seen, theaters get their shorter run times and more then likely a double dip. Then a month after both have left you do the one weekend only “Snyder Trilogy” with Man of Steel,

I see no shorts, no hoodie, no nikes. Pass

Thank You! you saved me from having to type all that.

As I’m from Langhorne, and worked there in my 20s, I blame the tourist from New York and New Jersey.

its also a 5 year old comic

Are Rick and Ron brothers?

Duke was just a fan of seeing the cops strangle a large black man in New York.

Depending on time and distance to Philly it might have been about

I really hate the bottom feeders who have more then one pictured in they’re ebay/craigslist add. I mean if you gonna be scum at least try to be subtle about it.

And yet 2 of those songs are on my phone right now, so to me this hurts a little. Still gonna get it though, the nostalgia is strong.

But he is a bitch

Where the hell did she find a Switch?

What if it is literally just the transformation that’s killing her? No cancer needed...transform...big damn hero...transform...little sicker...MONTAGE...lather...rinse...repeat...”you have to stop one me will kill you jane”...b story of slow recovery...our darkest hour...transform.