Blart: Your Honor, he was a black man with a gun, refusing to follow my Caucasian orders.
Blart: Your Honor, he was a black man with a gun, refusing to follow my Caucasian orders.
For me its always been because of the constantly updating nature of the game, my first MMO was FFXI and some of the most fun I had was during the first 20 levels or so where you could solo, after that it kinda became a chore. After that was DCUO where you can solo the first 30 and the story is kinda interesting, but…
Wish I’d checked the greys before i posted it too, but yeah this was awesome.
While Prince in the rain during the superbowl is awesome ,Gavin Rossdale in the rain during Spring Break ‘96 ain’t bad either. Something about a possible electrocution on live TV sticks with you I guess.
Did Jesus not have homeowners insurance?
Lord Vader on line 1, Says he needs his helmet back.
Nope, never got past the jumping puzzle in 1. I’m looking to the east for Portal 3, but this is Valve so the third day will never come.
Too many bad third entries of trilogies have scared Gaben for life
Rape is a cruel and unusual punishment for getting blackout drunk in your 20s, but the victim has to serve that sentence for life. I said a 90 year old assuming 70 years after a crime committed in the hypothetical rapist 20s.
And if they do show up at someones door when they’re old and retired, if the crime can be proven and a conviction secured, a punishment should be arranged. Maybe not jail time for a 90 year old, say if the cost of incarceration would be to costly to the taxpayer, but something to send the message to society that some…
I miss this comic
I’ve never seen that before but thank you, im dyin right now
feels on topic
I know you’re not supposed to judge a book by its cover but, everything in that picture is a fucking flag. The grin, the bow tie, the vest, the hair, the Micky ferris wheel, by themselves fine, but as a total package, more flags then you’d get for suplexing Tom Brady.
I thought there was a ruling or something that, because he is the president, he couldn’t delete his tweets. Am I remembering that wrong?
I read it as the the Joker myself
While I voted dem yesterday and will vote dem as long a republican is the only other real option, never forget, a lesser evil is still evil.
Man, fuck Buck and Aikman
for not getting the reference.
In Lancaster, probably.