
While I voted dem yesterday and will vote dem as long a republican is the only other real option, never forget, a lesser evil is still evil.

Man, fuck Buck and Aikman for not getting the reference.

In Lancaster, probably.

there is a difference?

Not true, they love their token Uncle Tom’s.

Someone didn’t see the whole vid, you missed the crew in the back.

he needs to work out some kind of endorsement deal

It always pissed me off that Joker limped out of No Man’s Land. I’ll believe Batman wouldn’t break his rule, I’ll believe Gordon would want it done by the book, but you can’t convince me Bullock doesn’t put a round in the Joker’s skull.

I feel bad too, even people who work for Sprint shouldn’t have a deal with that shit.

He feared for his life. The idiot on the field should be glad Mr. Young didn’t have a badge and a gun.

Let’s remember this is the same fictional universe with bleeding edge tech, magic, and super science, but you have to make a deal with the devil to save your dying aunt from a damn bullet wound.

My personal favorite is a Clusterfuck of Humans

“You’ve forgotten what I told you a long time ago. One of the painful truths of comedy...YOU ALWAYS TAKE SHOTS FROM FOLKS WHO JUST DON’T GET THE JOKE!” - The Joker, BtAS, Mad Love

Addendum to the counter point: Wall of Voodoo

After a long work day, nothing is as soothing as the gnashing of teeth and sodium laced group chat of people dying to high explosives.

I can think of 2 things, Torb and Symetra. And the worst part of Sym is the constant character voice lines about the damn teleporter or shield gen.

You know nothing Warren Oates

Philly wins and the city riots, I need a new TV and a Switch.