
I just hope people don’t bail these bastards out by buying used mining GPUs cheap

- William Atherton (debatable whether this character was really a douche canoe in this movie, but I’m insisting because I love the man; Walter Peck - Ghostbusters) - (Richard Thornburg - Die Hard) indubitably a douche yacht.

Well it makes sense, how many Bills fans wind up with crippling medical bills after a typical tailgating session?

Lando Calrissian, running game on slimeballs on the other hand, “It works every time.”

Every time they speak is a discussion of Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. elections

It seems like that trash basket is not bolted down. Perhaps you could move it out of the way and stand to the side?

They start unbanning things.

As I listen to the clip I notice, he actually calls them the Ku Klux Clowns, and that just makes me smile.

Cat 6: Burn everything you love, then burn the ashes.

Did your mean to do “Roger and Ebert” or did you mean “Siskel and Ebert”?

There would be at least three times as many willing to take their place. As long as the money is there some people will always be willing to take the risks, and as long as people are watching, and advertisers are buying time the money will always be there.

The hippos were tired of all that damn noise. That should teach that croc to keep it prey quiet next time.

I think the Joker had a quote for this:

Wow functioning body cams, next thing you know i’ll see a unicorn.

Quoting Chris Rock from Bring the Pain -

Can we take up a collection to get Dikembe a seat next to this guy for the rest of his life?


This Guy

Have you ever heard how stupidly delusional Eagles fans are about “there’s always next season!” come December October??