
So you are not even going to ask if some are abusing these benefits ( yes, some are - indeed SNAP as a way of life exists ) - so when the pot runs dry and the truly needy suffer you will blame who?

Sure - raise it to $100 an hour - get the money off the magic tree

The highest percentage of children living in poverty are in female-headed households.

But we should be listening to these same idiots when they assure us that man is causing global warming AND a new slew of Gov't regulations will save the day...

And cue the ad hominem argument. Shouldn't you be screaming about male victimization in an MRA forum somewhere?

The ultra entitled asshole says, "Don't worry I have this," and throws down his card. I run the card drop the check and wait. As soon as they leave I pick up the check and look and he's left a $3 tip bringing the bill to $200. My manager asks if I'd like her to talk to them. I say no and follow them out.

And in every case - if the girl is lying or telling the truth - the innocence of the accused should be given. Innocent until proven guilty. Not guilty until proven innocent.

I don't think there was a big epidemic of white women intentionally setting up black men with false rape charges.

If she is lying then it began with an accusation - when that didn't have the desired result, she escalated. That is how we get to the mattress

Everyone gets the benefit of the doubt - its called Innocent until Proven Guilty -

Is that what you have? Um ok - maybe we should legalize assault as well - because as accusation with no corroborative evidence goes nowhere.

Oh my - MRA, Troll - what else have you got in your bag of tricks dimwit

I didn't bother to read your rantings you ignorant frustrated ugly scumbag - and I mean ugly where it counts - on the inside

An invitation the the SOTU by a US Senator is rather more than the "court of public opinion" you low IQ dimwit - so is a story in major media supporting a particular version

It's DISGRACEFUL that a victim of a crime must be judged as a "worthy victim" before scrutiny moves off her to where it belongs - on the perpetrator.

The judge and jury of public opinion you addled twit - the fact that she was invited to the fucking SOTU by a US Senator is pretty compelling evidence that the accused has been judged guilty by society

So one can be accused of a crime and have ones reputation destroyed with no legal process involved because rape is bad -

He is not in jail - but his accuser has made the news quite a lot and was invited to the SOTU

She claims she didn't consent - he claims she did

Its hard to believe how hard is has been for you to explain something so simple to dimwits who continue to write "but he didn't have a gun" or "so he deserved to die then!" to you