
I’ve decided to create a fictional automotive shopper named Roger...

That, my friends, is a slipping transmission.

You don’t have to work retail to discover this stuff.

“America, Fuck Yeah”

Freezer? Dry ice. The glass too. You want that look of surprise when she can’t get her lip unstuck.

[been waiting to post this]

No one watched it because the first season flopped. Which is shame, because subsequent seasons were fairly good.

A 6 and 4 cylinder combo would be relatively boring, so I’m over here imagining you both have 5 cylinder weirdos.

whosacutelittlealbinoweasellookingthing? YOU ARE YES YOU ARE YES YOU ARE

All TV has to be scripted almost to the last detail. You have to know what you are shooting and when. Otherwise your costs spiral out of control. How do I know this? Experience in the industry.

Get rid of the hot rodders. Seriously. The Hot August Nights crowd has destroyed car television in America. In fact, forget America entirely - let’s do a show about tuning and mods in other countries.

4 years is sooner than Gawker will become a reputable outlet, so there’s that.

Can I just inanely say that this is a very clever panel?

What do I win?

cloth seats on higher trim levels, for people like me who don’t want leather.

Do you mean the Subaru tC?

Bees are amazing creatures. They generally won’t bother you if you don’t bother them. They’re usually quite friendly.

I know I’m a bit of an outlier, but there is no car I would never drive. They all have something to offer, even if it’s how bad they are. If I could be given a different car every three months with the only promise that it wouldn’t break down, I would take the deal.

Well yeah I’ve been watching this gif for 5 mins and they haven’t made any progress. They just keep going back and forth, back and forth.

....’87 Toyota.... ....less rust issues.... ....’87 Toyota.... What? As an owner of an ‘87 Toyota, that particular combination of words is somewhat baffling.