
That’s very true and one of the main reasons we have a very low murder rate compared to our friends across the pond.....

People can ride with any number of motorcycle gangs, okay? They become a member of the Cossacks MC for the atmosphere and the attitude. Okay? That’s what the flair’s about. It’s about fun.

Not always, in this case, I believe they said the driver was in the center lane. He probably got there so he could be courteous to the people getting on/off the freeway and so that he wouldn’t have to slow down for all those assholes. I’d be willing to be Miata lady merged on, stayed in the blind spot, UPS driver

Q1: Distributed Aperture System. There’s a camera for that purpose.

And with that, two legacies were destroyed. Northern WRXposure?

As for the Russians and their Victory Day, as usual I’m less than inclined to give a damn about their celebrations given their country’s conduct during and after the war.

Well, that’s certainly true. But you could also say Stalin was concerned that the European powers were capitulating too easily to the Nazis and didn't think Russia could count on the west.

If I see a spider large enough that it requires an Xbox One to kill, I am nuking the house from sapce.

Twisted metal is fun, but I prefer the newer :

Perhaps stretching the definition of ‘car’, but:

It’s like VW Vortex — in text message form!

I was with you until you dissed Tokyo Drift. That was a really fun movie that still had the feel of the first one, even if they didn’t use the original cast. 2 was garbage.

This is awesome, sometimes I enjoy the behind the scenes more than the actual video

So this was just a completely arbitrary exercise used to shit on hockey fans. Cool.

The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.

Actually I figured out why I dislike the other two in comparison to the first. This is kind of an interesting approach to it but bear with me.

I refuse to applaud a corporation for its Brave Admission that it's been fucking its customers sideways and refusing to do things that all of its competitors have done better at for over a decade now, and its pledge that they'll totally try harder now, guys, seriously. They don't get shit until they've turned words

Poor Afroduck, can't catch a break.

Meanwhile at a Ferrari press event they just glue the phone to the seat.

This might not be the normal use for a pickup, but it's a thing... This is the bathroom in my parent's basement. They did pull it from a junkyard, so at least it get's a second life. And yes, the headlights do still light up.