
I hadn’t either actually. To me that says the BMW had moved left to give the scooter space, then was moving back right when he realized the motorcycle was about to pass him on the right.

I know the video you’re talking about, and it’s the first thing I thought of too. Typically car-vs-motorcycle videos you see online are examples of people in cars being terrible (published by motorcyclists who want you to believe that motorcyclists are never at fault), so I was surprised to watch this one and feel

I disagree completely. He was changing lanes and then tried to move back to the right when he realized the bike in the left lane was about to crawl up his tailpipe. Even in the video, the bike on the right comes out of nowhere and is beside the car in no time. They were occupying both lanes, moving well above the

Did we watch the same video? They punched a stranger. That is assault and battery. Being on a motorcycle doesn’t change that.

Sean, your interpretation of the BMW driver as “trying to get in the way” is both laughable and frightening. I understand that you’re a motorcyclist and perhaps are inclined to believe that other motorcyclists can do no wrong, but these guys appear to be driving way above the speed limit, weaving through traffic and

You can draw that distinction if it makes your feel better.

You’re right that a driver in a car should just let motorcyclists drive themselves to a fiery death, because it’s not our problem (unless they hit us on their way to the pavement). However I don’t think it’s fair at all to totally let people like this off the hook. The motorcyclist in this clip caused this entire

Thank you very, very much for your input. I am really genuinely so glad that you came here to offer your point of view. This conversation was lacking trlergrl but now it just feels complete!

If regular citizens were as smart and as perfect as police officers, then we would be police officers! But we’re all dumb and don’t know how to look out for ourselves and rely on cops to tell us when we’re doing something unsafe like jogging, or being black in a predominantly white neighborhood. We’d be lost without

Nah man I think police are HEROES and disobeying them is unamerican. It’s their job to make the laws and then enforce them all within the same breath. That’s just the way it works man!

You need a drivers license to operate a car. Stop comparing apples and pinecones.

Yeah exactly. “Because I said so” policing, if you will. I think people should do whatever police officers say, no matter what, no exceptions!

Correct. Running on the shoulder of a road is not a felony either, and we are.

Oh, you’re spewing dumb shit on this thread too!

So jaywalking at a red light is the same as running on the shoulder, six feet from the edge of the traffic lane? That’s where we’re at? Do you want to tell me that apples and pinecones are the same fruit now?

Exactly. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who would call a normal two-lane road a “highway.”

Wow. Glad somebody’s doing that.

So you think that walking and running are the same thing...? Is that where we’re at now?

What? It was a question.
