Lol. Wait what?

I don’t have children, but it boggles my mind that some parents really believe that just because a certain method worked for their children, it must work for all children. As a general rule, “one size fits all” solutions are almost never effective for everyone, so why would it be any different with parenting

This is so weird to say and I kind of hate that I’m saying it, but I’m glad you and anyone who doesn’t fit in to mainstream ideas of how to look and behave have a safe place where you can be yourself. I used to live in a pretty hipster area of Madrid and I just knew those people had very few places in Spain where they

LOL I’m glad guys somewhere are getting a reality check, you are doing God’s work my friend. I don’t know any guys who wear makeup, and I live in a very small conventional/traditional city, so I’m curious how the general public in your area deals with a guy wearing makeup - are they pretty open-minded? If that

It’s like guys always saying women look better with no make up - no dude, you think she’s not wearing make up

Yeeeeessss. Also: Mrs. Kravitz sounds kind of miserable, like the idea of other people “of a certain age” letting loose and not giving a fuck just grinds her gears. Of ALL the things to get one’s undies in a bunch over, it’s older women showing cleavage, having messy hair, and not being “classy” enough? JFC.

“Probably, yes” lol ok then. I misspoke - not everyone loses, the only person who doesn’t lose here is Gatti. Literally everyone else - her supporters as well as herself - loses except Gatti. The point of the threat, according to you, was to teach someone (Gatti?) a lesson, but if Gatti doesn’t care, then there is no

Oh god the car chases! I had forgot about those. Well, in their defense, it makes for GREAT reality tv, and America loves great reality tv. /s

Huh. Well I was simply responding to your comment “I hope she does what she says she’ll do” with “I hope she doesn’t” and expanding my thoughts. That’s okay, right?

I actually did not know that...has anyone told the police officers??? They don’t seem to know either.

Except the only people who are negatively affected are her beloved readers as well as her publisher who would never doxx her. People like this guy Gatti most likely aren’t readers of Ferrante’s and could care less if she ever writes again. The lesson would be for nothing :/ If Ferrante did stop writing, it wouldn’t

In other countries, if a robber/thief runs away and the police officer isn’t able to catch them (without the use of a firearm), the thief just gets away. This is just a fact of life, sometimes the bad guy escapes. I feel like Americans find this scenario completely unacceptable and that ANY measure to catch a

When I met my husband, he was over-the-top affectionate and attentive. Then he changed jobs and he was suddenly stressed, exhausted, and withdrawn. I understood it was just work and tried to give him space. After a few of those kinds of jobs, we decided to move countries where he got a job offer, the job being less

It was your post that got me to watch it. The video did not disappoint!

I don’t know if you already googled it but no, Tom Hanks is not supporting Trump. Apparently there was a hoax going around, but a quick google search will show you that no, it’s not true.

Seriously. The person I replied to has good intentions, and I have no doubt they are not in Camp “Good Guys Can’t Be Rapists”, but there is a LOT of delusion going on in the argument “it’s not your fault you were violated/raped but also it’s your duty to try to prevent foul play.” People who think this way really do

I’m glad to hear you sought counseling but OMFG that therapist ought to pay you for the therapy you’d need because of that therapy session. That would have made me LIVID, I can’t believe how well you handled it. It’s a really good sign you can talk about it now and share your story, every time someone shares a story

Look, I get it. You would never say anyone is “asking for it”, you would never say a woman is in any way responsible for being violated/raped. Those are disgusting and untrue things to say, and only stupid assholes talk like that (which you’re not).

I’m really sorry that happened to you (to chime in, you’re not to blame), and I’m also really sorry someone felt the need to lecture you on drinking too much. The severity of removing a passed-out person’s clothing (or worse) can absolutely NOT be dismissed or lessened by the fact that you were inebriated. What

“...that makes it harder to prevent any foul play...”

THANK YOU. I wish your comment were higher up. Way too many “this isn’t a big deal guys! get over it!” comments before yours :/