Lol. Wait what?

DITTO. I like that show, but I basically watch it for her. I’d watch anything she’s in honestly.

I tried to star your post and I ended up taking one away. Kinja’d! Sorry.

I scrolled down soooo far just to find one comment from a woman saying “just go on strike” or something similar. I’m kind of disappointed how many women here are chiming in on how they do all the work at home and how much it sucks. I don’t know, maybe stop doing it? :/

This is probably the most relevant conversation in the entire comment section. Thank you Betty Slocombe for asking a very interesting question and thank you Semilla for your perfect answer.

I feel you! I’m unemployed (looking for a job) and spend virtually all my time volunteering for a not-for-profit women’s group in my area. I LOVE this group, I’m learning and developing new skills and receiving so much support. I want to strike too! But yeah, that’s not happening ;) By you being self-employed, you’re

Since you’re an intimacy coach solely for men, isn’t that proof that men are the ones who need help, which is exactly the point of this article?

I starred your post twice and each time I took away a star?? I got kinja-ed, sorry :( Just wanted to say he’s probably both some recently-lost-his-virginity-and-is-horrible-at-sex-and-is-now-weird-and-defensive-guy and also an MRA troll.

You talk about sex like it’s a “one size fits all” kind of thing. What does it mean to be “inept” at vaginal sex? Doesn’t that depend a lot on each partner? What makes sex good or bad is different for everyone, and one person can be “bad” in bed with someone and “pretty good” with another. Sex with the same person can

I have no desire to become a mother, but it’s not hard to understand that when mothers want to go to events, for many of them the idea that they leave their baby at home with a sitter and miss out on valuable bonding time is frustrating and stressful. But I don’t get why it has to be that way - before babies start

This is so spectacularly bad I feel like it’s a secret social experiment.

What if I told you that Nazism is not a political ideology?? Nazism is not politics, it’s hate. Their platform is genocide. Nazism = genocide promotion. Nazis are genocide promoters. Genocide advocates.

Um, no: Nazis will have “won” when they’ve “efficiently eradicated” people who aren’t white. This is the difference between you and the rest of us: you worry about them “winning” if we respond with violence. We know that winning and losing isn’t even the point: the point is deterring genocide.

Pacifism is a privilege

Stupid kinja, I starred your post and saw the number go down. I thought “oh I must have already starred that comment” [derp] so I starred it again. Number went down AGAIN. I’m sorry.

The reason why this thread is so freaking long is because amycee keeps muddying the waters with her argument. I REALLY liked your previous point about the futility of aiming to defeat nazism. Then amycee comes back and says random stuff about violence being our first weapon against nazism and going around punching

Agreeeeeed. This whole thread is spectacular.

I know I’m not original here, but I laughed out loud so hard. Yours is my fave but this whole thread is a goldmine. <3 <3 <3

Hi NotATacoTruck, I hope you’re doing better today. I assume you’re considering suicide based on the current political situation in the States. Please keep in mind that a billion things can happen in the next four years, and while I don’t agree with violence, let’s just say I wouldn’t cry if something “happened” to

Your response is my favorite so far in this thread. I really want to say something to NotATacoTruck useful apart from “it gets better” (which it does), something that puts this awful moment in perspective the way you did. Getting off alcohol is not an easy thing to do, I’m glad you’re in a better place now.

Now playing

Lisa Eldridge!! I had to start wearing makeup for interviews but I really loathe makeup, especially foundation. Thanks to one of her videos, I found the best foundation and even though I still don’t like the way it feels, it looks amazing. The video is below, and the foundation is Estee Lauder Double Wear