That made for some GREAT Saturday morning reading. Thank you.
That made for some GREAT Saturday morning reading. Thank you.
Wouldn’t the message be stronger if Kanye actually got their permission, and maybe did a photoshoot of them, or a video of them, actually sleeping instead of some creepy wax shit? I can get behind trying to humanize celebrities and showing their vulnerabilities, but by making naked wax figures of them without their…
I completely agree. I love art, especially when it makes you think. But I can’t help but imagine being one of those people depicted naked without their consent, and I suddenly don’t give a flying fuck if this art makes me think or not.
Acne can be caused by hormones, and makeup isn’t always a culprit for breakouts. There are plenty of guys who’ve never worn makeup and have horrendous acne, and plenty of girls/women who wear tons of makeup and never break out. Sometimes it’s hereditary; everyone’s skin is different. Alicia Keys is (or was) a…
For what it’s worth, Alicia Keys had really bad skin up until recently. I assume she started an acne treatment, because before you could see her acne under professionally applied makeup. And she used to wear a ton of makeup. Now that her acne is gone, she’s showing off her beautiful skin, she probably appreciates it…
I can’t say I agree with you that Americans are exhibitionists...they’re incredibly prudish about being naked, and the general consensus here is that no one feels comfortable with those creepy-ass bathroom stall doors. I’m curious to know what gives you the impression Americans are exhibitionists?
THE SUGAR wtf is up with all that sugar???? :(
I’ve been out of the States for 10 years now and am just now realizing what you’re talking about. I never questioned it when I lived there, and even going back on visits I never thought about it. But now that you mention it, it’s totally true. What the hell???
I have nightmares about peeing in a public bathroom and suddenly the door disappears and everyone can see me. You basically visited my nightmare.
Didn’t Sublime sing Pawn Shop?
No need to apologize! I’m American too! I know HBO from when I lived there, but I’m not up to date with new stuff they’ve got going on. I also haven’t had cable since I’ve lived abroad so lord knows what’s out there that I’m not aware of. Thanks for the tips!
I can’t bring myself to subscribe to Amazon prime just yet, and I hadn’t even heard of HBO Go/Now (I don’t live in the States) although I’ll be checking that out tomorrow! I don’t get the deal with Blu-Ray so no, we aren’t buying them (yet - maybe I should check that out too?). Where we were living before, we had the…
Omg I’ve been dying for a sci-fi reading list composed of diverse authors, this is just what I’ve been looking for!! Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to upload this list.
If 2016 has taught me anything, it’s that all of our hypothetical babies are doomed.
In Spain they’ve been copying forever. They’re pretty much untouchable legally in Spain, so I think they just got really cocky by so blatantly copying indie artists in the States. I’m really glad so much attention is being brought to this now, although I’m sorry your art is being stolen. What I don’t understand is why…
Oh. my. god. This is the best thing I’ve seen all week.
I didn’t think you thought my spouse was abusive, I just threw that in there so you knew I didn’t think we were in the same situation. Too much thinking jesus.
Thanks for the support :D I’m very far from Portland, but there may be opportunities for where I hope to be soon. At any rate, thanks for the comment, and I really applaud the fact that you bought a house on your own AND you’ve written a draft that seems to be promising! #goals Big hugs internet stranger