Lol. Wait what?

I’m sorry you’ve had such a hard year :( I don’t know what to say about your friends except that they don’t sound like friends :/ You definitely deserve people who want to talk to you and spend time with you, I’m sure that when you start doing your thing on your own you’ll make friendships and find like-minded people

oh god I feel like such an asshole, I apparently deleted when I typed how my relationship is only 5 years old and the anxiety is super bad, I can’t imagine how I’d fare if it were 12 years (I typed those exact words but I must have erased them??), I’m sorry for the confusion :( My husband is not abusive, he’s actually

I’m sorry :( My mom was in the same position with our very first cat that made it to 21 years old. She knew he was slowly dying but couldn’t bring herself to euthanize him at first. One day she noticed he couldn’t move his back legs and had lost control of his bowels. She knew she had to put him down but even then she

I hear you. My marriage is slowly showing itself out the door and I’m having major depression/anxiety issues. I’ve only told a few friends that my marriage is not doing well, but they’ve all been supportive. I can’t imagine what getting negative feedback would do to me right now, I’m such a mess as it is. I would give

You are my hero. My marriage is failing and I’ll most likely go back to my shitty secretarial income (if I even have the good fortune of getting a secretarial job, long story) and I’ll probably have to rent a bedroom and live with people (THE HORROR). But my long-term goal is to get the studies I need to get a better

That was really sweet of you. It seems like a normal “that’s what friends are for” scenario, but not everyone always has a friend like that. And even if it is normal, it’s a sweet gesture nonetheless. Your friend is lucky :)

12 years?? Dear lord. My 5-year relationship is in shambles and I’m a complete wreck, I can’t imagine how I’d deal with a 12-year relationship ending. I wish you the best and hope every day is a little bit better than the last. Big hugs from internet stranger.

Agreed. I scrolled all the way down here to see if anyone else had said anything. Being mocked/bullied is bad enough, but that it’s recorded and sent out to social media and then it gets a bajillion “likes” and “shares” which only encourages shitty behavior is really fucking awful. The fact that the video made it here

I got a Master’s in Spanish Philology (a lot of literature) and I now live in Switzerland. When I go to my nearby bookstore that has a section for Spanish literature, there are several books “featured” (they are pulled out so that the cover is facing you) and they are ALWAYS exclusively men authors. I always shove

Nailed it. I had never heard of this guy before, but what a fucking dumpster fire of a human being.

You’ve received a lot of angry responses, this is not one of those. I’m not angry, but I don’t agree and here’s why.

SAME. Well, I didn’t really hate her face but, not having ever seen her in an interview before, she always came across to me as void of personality and I never really got her appeal. Saw her on Graham Norton last night and couldn’t believe how charming she is. She’s hilarious as well, I was surprised at what a good

Just got back from a two-week vacation, sorry for the late reply. I knew exactly what you meant, don’t worry. I didn’t think you were saying anything about anyone else’s breasts, it was clear to me you were talking about your own body. Body image is a complicated thing, especially with how much our bodies change and

About your first sentence, I see what you mean, but I find it problematic because we can’t know for sure the older person is manipulating the younger person until the younger person comes out and says it, and that may never happen (partly because it may not be happening at all). I say this because when I worked at a

See, betrayal would make me the nightmare divorcer demanding all sorts of crap (I’m interpreting betrayal as cheating but I’d probably act the same if it were any kind of betrayal). You sound like the kind of person who doesn’t hold grudges, or who can forgive people. Please write a book on that, because 1) you’d make

I’ve only smoked marijuana/hash a total of three times, it was like Goldilocks and the three joints. The first time I smoked too much and had a bad reaction, second time smoked too little and nothing happened, third time I felt kinda giggly and that was it. Gin&tonics are my jam though <3

I’ll bring wine. A bottle for me and another for everyone else.

I see what you’re saying, but I think it’s important to note that shootingmagicalsymbols was expressing frustration about her breast size changing (not just being small) and perhaps the size she’s at now reminds her of when she was younger, which can be disorienting. There’s nothing wrong with having a small chest,

I just want to thank you for starting this thread. I haven’t had children, but I barely fill an A cup and it’s nice to have support (pun intended) from fellow small-chested women here and to know other women go through the same issues. I’m totally happy with my small chest, but going down to an A from a B would bum