Lol. Wait what?

I’d say your divorce was the exception to the rule, but it’s really refreshing to hear a case of a split that wasn’t traumatic and full of anger and hate.

Those are good points. In my original question, I was wondering if the partner who makes less money would automatically get alimony regardless of any special circumstances. Basically the answer is “depends on the state”. I don’t think it’s right for alimony to be an automatic outcome of a divorce, but I do agree that

It’s funny you say that, I feel like Winston’s character hadn’t found its groove until recently but I didn’t know why. You’re probably right about Damon Wayans, I had never thought of that.

I had no idea it could differ by location, thanks for your input.

Ah, didn’t know it was state by state. About bridging the gap, I see what you’re saying but I guess I still believe that, once divorced, my economic situation is no longer of my husband’s concern. I say that, though, knowing that I can rely on friends and family for help/support should I need it. I might feel

I guess I was just used to rappers spelling their names

The thing is, for the people who misheard, their brains weren’t expecting the name to be spelled out, they were expecting complete words, hence the “are you” part. After “are you” the brain expects a name, and it hears “ellie”. No, it doesn’t make sense, but once you’ve heard it wrong, it’s hard to correct.

I don’t understand something and maybe you can shed some light for me. Let’s take my marriage as an example: my husband and I have no children and neither one of us owns any property. We both have jobs but my husband makes a significantly higher amount of money than me. If we were to divorce, I would be entitled to

Nailed it.

For someone who looks down on Jezebel commenters so much, this person sure has put a lot of time and energy into this space lately. I appreciate your efforts to respond to this person and to let others know we can flag the harassment comments, which I have.

If there is a hell, I’ll be forced to represent the “bad guys” for all eternity. I don’t know how people do it, I could barely keep my shit together when working in customer service.

1) Ok, you work in the law field and have a hell of a lot more insight into this stuff than me. Also, you care about lawsuits because it’s your profession, whereas I’m just a reader commenting on another dumb celeb story. I can see how hearing people come to the immediate conclusion that “it’s totally a money grab”

Your comment was so refreshing. I don’t have kids and I probably won’t ever, but seeing my friends who are parents stress about those things, I would love to see them say “I don’t give any fucks and everyone’s fine”.

Yikes, didn’t mean to strike a nerve. Let me start by admitting to making assumptions due to the fact that a lot of info is missing. For example, although I don’t know for a fact that anyone else was there to take a picture of his grandmother on her 100th birthday, can we agree that the most likely scenario is that

It’s totally a money grab. First of all, he’s not a professional photographer (although I can’t find what his profession is) so when it says the loss of his phone has eaten into his commissions with no further details, it sounds like a big fucking reach. As for the pictures and videos, I’m afraid I’m going to get into

Good for you for having the strength to not engage. I’m lucky enough to not have awful family members, and on top of it I live overseas so I see them once every two years, so I can’t relate to having to deal with those things regularly. But I think about when I lived with that one sister who can be difficult and I

This is kinda unrelated, but what you said reminded me of this. Once in therapy I was talking about what a worthless piece of shit I was, and the therapist said, “would you let a friend talk to you like that?” and I said “hell no” and she said “so why is it okay for you to do it?” and I was like “oooooooh good point”

I think it’s standard for celebrities to hide scars with makeup. So by Ariel not trying to cover them up with makeup, she’s “flaunting” them (her mom’s logic, not mine). Also, it doesn’t help that the vast majority of celebrities must have similar scars on visible parts of their body (think mole removal scars on arms,

It’s funny you say that. Once some girlfriends and I were talking about if we would ever get plastic surgery, and I said yes but I didn’t want to say what part of my body because I was embarrassed. I ended up saying “my nose” and BOTH my friends were dumbfounded I had no interest in augmenting my absurdly small (yet

My grandmother adored my uncle and was...less adoring to my mom. Not that my mom talked shit about my grandmother but I knew they had a rocky relationship and I knew my grandmother was hard on my mom. My grandmother hid it really well in front of her grandchildren whom she also adored, but I witnessed my grandmother