Lol. Wait what?

Yeeesssssss. I have a friend whose mother and brother are absolute nightmares (for different reasons) and she can’t bring herself to cut ties with them. They add nothing but awfulness to her life and yet she believes it’s inherently wrong to walk away from her family (they’ve done a really good job convincing her that

I always miss the SNS because it starts after midnight for me :(

I just don’t know why I didn’t see it sooner???

I’m pretty sure Judgy McJudgerson has body image issues of the “fatphobia” variety, and the idea that other people are happy and comfortable in their not-fat-free bodies freaks her/him out.

1) I don’t know if you were joking, or if it’s blatantly obvious to you that she was featured and I’m just a dimwit, but I think you’re right and I can’t believe I didn’t see it before WHY AM I SO NAIVE

Yeah, I want to be right too, but after reading comments and re-reading the article, I’m doubting myself...Either way, when I hear/see the words “what’s your excuse?” I assume they’re not talking to me because I never said I wanted to work out in the first place lol

After reading comments here and re-reading the article, I’m not so sure now those “what’s your excuse?” posts are solely intended for the people we thought they were...At any rate, I’m with you. Whether it’s working out, eating healthy, or whatever other goal it is that you have, just own it. And if you drop the ball

I wish your comment were farther up. Exercising and eating healthy are great priorities, but it’s unrealistic to expect everyone to make them their number 1 priority all of the time. I have so many goals right now that among them I’m going to have to pick and choose and prioritize, meaning that at least one goal is

All kidding aside, you seem to have serious issues with people who don’t work out on a regular basis.

Now playing

Your response was perfect. Judgy McJudgerson claims to care about health and happiness, but I doubt this person will respond with anything other than “if being a slob makes you happy fine then lol”. This person doesn’t believe people can genuinely be fulfilled by myriad activities other than working out and eating

The line “what’s your excuse?” has to be directed towards pregnant women / mothers who would like to work out but assume it’s too hard, right? I mean, it has to be...they must know that there are plenty of pregnant women / mothers whose priorities don’t include having abs, and furthermore that’s ok, right? Please say

Now playing

I’m obsessed. I just discovered him sometime last year and I don’t know why I had never heard of him previously. He knows what to ask, when to shut up, when to chime in, and his jokes are perfect and perfectly-timed. I love that there is always someone uploading his full episodes on to YouTube (thank you strangers!).

Graham Norton of “The Graham Norton Show” is my favorite interviewer. You can find full episodes of his show on Youtube (it airs in England). He always has four guests at a time and a lot of the time they are totally unrelated actors, and watching them interact with each other is really interesting. Graham Norton

Same. Not long ago I had an episode that was pretty bad but I was able to hide it (I’m at home all day so it’s not hard), so when I dropped the word “depression” around my husband and a good friend of mine (on two separate occasions), both said “i don’t think you’re depressed, I think...” and then tried to tell me I

When I taught English in Spain, I had an ultra-conservative student who once wanted to talk about how homosexuality is bad mainly because it disrupts the traditional family structure (I’m pretty sure men having sex with men is the real problem for her but whatever). Their fear of change is strong, but I don’t get what

I stopped commenting on Jezebel articles for awhile (no reason, just got busier) but the bodily function articles get me every time. I’m almost ashamed of how much time I spent last night commenting on ass-wiping methods. And who knew it’d be so polarizing on so many levels.

I haven’t shat myself, but I know it’s just a matter of time. Maybe the time I was 14 and so constipated my mom gave me an enema cancels it out? (I still to this day don’t know why my mom had enema stuff in her bathroom and more importantly I don’t want to know).

Wait - are you saying you go front to back but between the legs? I was explicitly instructed to go front to back from around and behind and yes it sounds ridiculous and that’s what I thought when they told me but I was like “you’re the boss” and went with it. What the hell.

I’m in camp crouch as well. I feel like the article only gave two options, sitting on the toilet or standing straight up. I wonder how many people actually wipe somewhere in between sitting and standing? I literally can’t even imagine the physics of those two options.

I don’t have brothers, so when my friend who has brothers educated me on what “dingle berries” are, I barfed a little in my mouth. I really feel for men if this is a not-so-rare occurrence.