Lol. Wait what?

I (a lady) was taught to wipe, for both #1 and #2, from around and behind, so that you are wiping away from the genitals. I thought everyone wiped like this, and I thought everyone wiped in a semi-squat position - not flat-out sitting but also not standing up straight. My mind is blown by all the myriad ways we

One of my all-time favorite Joey moments <3

1) “our lady of perpetual magnums” LOL

Ugh late reply, sorry. Exactly, what in the hell?? I’ve been living abroad for 10 years now and the US has such a bad reputation for the gun situation there that I tend to seize on opportunities to put things into perspective if I can. Not that the situation isn’t genuinely atrocious by any stretch of the imagination,

I lived in Kennesaw for 10 years (after the law was created) and I had never heard of this. I’m not saying it’s not true, just saying it’s another one of those dumb laws that occur all over America that are not enforced by any means (and a lot of people don’t even know exist). The crime rate is super low in Kennesaw,

Thank you. I laughed my ass off when I saw that video. I don’t agree with a single political stance of his. But damn dat humor tho.

DITTO. I’m pretty ruthless regarding the standards I have for friends, and people who can’t control what they say when they get angry don’t cut it, mental illness or not. Taking impulsive lash-outs in stride is not my forte, but moreover there are more than enough great people in the world who would never do what the

I don’t agree with all your views, but I do agree that the dating scene would be a better place if the picking up/initiating were done equally by both men and women (I’m a woman btw). Maybe women initiate more than I realize, but my girlfriends are the kind who wait for the men to initiate, so it feels like there are

I picked up “Moon” at a movie rental store on a whim without knowing anything about it, and I LOVED it. I had no idea it was written/directed by David Bowie’s son. Looking forward to seeing “Warcraft” now, thanks for the tip.

So Toranaga victim-blames you repeatedly, then says “Good luck” and we’re all supposed to believe it wasn’t full of snark and sarcasm but rather that he/she genuinely wishes you luck? A normal person would have said “I sincerely wish you good luck”, kind of like how you said “I unreservedly apologise”. Toranaga is not

My dad’s house burned down while he was out, and when he made it home, he found news reporters filming, and as he got out of his car to see his life burning up to nothing, they had the nerve to ask him questions. If I remember the story correctly, my oldest sister was there and kept him from committing assault on

Maybe the audience was just small, but man he deserved an applause 100 times bigger/louder.

Am I the only one who read “Dog Thief” not as someone who thieves dogs but rather a thieving dog? A thieving dog would have been better.

Would be nice to not do my job and make millions

That’s exactly what it means, the possibility of marrying a rich man and/or business connections. Either way, it’s just more proof that a lot of men see women’s sexuality as a means of getting up in the world.

Actually that’s exactly what I meant, the cross-posting, I just didn’t know how to say it. Dying inside is exactly what it’s like. I’m not sure why/how the commenters here on Jez are so consistently great (or, on the other side of the coin, what explains the lack of douchebaggery), but it’s a beautiful place here.

Ditto. I checked out the website where one of the former Jezebel writers now writes, and the commenters are sad (and few). I imagine that writer really misses the community here, Jezebel commenters are amazing. On a related note, sometimes I stumble onto Gawker by accident and all it takes is one glance at the

My mom was never afraid of being “the bad guy”, she took away our privileges as punishment and always followed through. She knew that saying “no”, enforcing rules, and not spoiling us wouldn’t make us love her less, but lots of parents are afraid it will, or that it means they don’t love their children enough. I know

You can totally tell when successful people who have managed for a while and not actually done the stuff they are managing anymore jump back into the game and are terrible at it.

I saw The Blair Witch Project in theaters and a dude barfed in his seat. I guess all guys get queasy from ghost stories?