Lol. Wait what?

Thank you. I still have questions, but I won’t make you answer them. I’ll just go to their website ask someone else here. ;)

Phew, I’ve been all over the internet today. After finding that page of free journalism classes, I ended up reading the longest essay ever on Kenneth Goldsmith, I found a book club in my area, I relearned that LinkedIn is useless for my professional needs, and I watched a girl on YouTube show us the perils of keratin

I haven’t seen Mad Men, so I had to google Peggy Olsen to understand what you meant, and in my googling one thing led to another and I ended up finding free online journalism classes. Thanks!!!!

YES and YES.

I will, but I have a feeling it’s going to make me sad.

AGREED so so so much. The advertisers knew we would see a fruit that suggested a vagina, and they knew we would go “omg that’s suggestive! How inappropriate! We can’t have suggestions of vaginas in public because vaginas are taaaaboooooo!!” and they knew it would take us awhile (if ever) to say “but wait - there’s

Trimming? Hello no! You’re supposed to be waxing/lasering. Trimming was so early 2000’s.

I don’t mind the lighting so much as the fact that, after all these years, it’s still the same lighting. He hasn’t evolved as an artist at all. Oh and the fact that he’s the Bill Cosby of the photography world but whatever.

Did you see the article about the babies found in the German apartment? I’d look for a vomit GIF but I’m too busy vomiting. Worst week ever. At least I have juuuuuuuust enough alcohol to last me until tomorrow.

I’m with you, the backlash is ridiculous and definitely not worth censorship. And if you’re grossed out by an orange or a grapefruit because it’s indicative of a vagina, then you’re saying vaginas are gross and THAT’S fucked up. I still just wish the fruit visual had more to do with the magical period-solving

Uuuuuggggghhhhh I can’t even imagine that bullshit. My microscopic breasts/boyish figure were/are a blessing in disguise because my personality is not prepared to deal with that level of WTF. I was just ignored/invisible until college, at which point I learned that my body was an object of desire for some. After

I almost went with that one lol

At this point, I don’t even care if a fruit is vulgar or not, what pisses me off is that the fruit tells me NOTHING about the product and what it does or how it does it. It’s just a symbolic vagina. I think we all know what a vagina kinda maybe looks like, but what we don’t know is HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS PRODUCT WORK.

Apart from whether or not it’s gross, the image of an orange doesn’t help me understand what the product is or what it will do for me. I wonder if some of the outrage is misplaced, partly based on that? That a fruit (that many find gross for whatever reason) is less related to the product than to my genitals?

This is true, society is pretty harsh to not-thin women. I was going to write something snarky and critical of how society treats women in general in the same vein as my last comment, but I didn’t want to diminish what is the experience of the not-thin woman, something I imagine must be pretty shitty but I can’t talk

I am so tired of how it’s still seen as a weakness and a lack of masculinity to show emotion. Our gender roles are still so fucked up, and regardless of which gender has it “the worst,” boys are definitely conditioned to be a certain way and fit into a specific mold that is unhealthy. I really wish we could let men

Mine are so light they’re like angelic sternum-wings that fly me away from sin, keeping my halo - and hymen - unsullied.

I’m not listening! La la la la la!

Apparently the fact that I have small breasts makes me intrinsically less sexual, and thus more professional/serious/worthy of respect. There’s nothing more threatening than a woman who loves sex. Which is exclusively all women with big breasts. /s

Ummm I don’t know, I me—OKAY.