Lol. Wait what?

That excerpt was so crazy I had to google Judith Miller to find out who she was. Now I don’t know if I want to thank you or slap you. Maybe a REALLY hard high-five?

I mean, it was too late to ask, but, you know, being polite and all...That was a hilarious story though!

I don’t know what I was expecting, but I wasn’t expecting that. The guy who took the video is a reporter for Le Monde so I checked out the link and google translated his account. It’s worse than the video. I’m crying :(

It’s okay that I laughed out loud, like hard, to this, right?

My sister is going through something similar, and it sucks watching her go through it every day and there’s nothing I can do. We both know, though, that this is not her last job ever, that one day she will work somewhere where she is appreciated and encouraged - not humiliated - and until then, all she can do is work

Why don’t you have more stars.

A year out is still very early, but I’m glad she’s doing well. My mom had a random cancer found mainly in old men who smoked and drank, so no idea why it appeared in her body. It wasn’t difficult to treat, her chemo wasn’t even all that bad (she only had like two days where she was exhausted and stayed in bed, but had

That totally gave me the sads. It’s definitely racism.

I don’t know why you don’t have more stars. My mom lost her hair to chemo and it taught me unimportant hair is. If I lost my hair one day to chemo or any other reason, I know I’d be fine. I really admire you and your sister’s level of support.

Lohan is perpetually 18 years old, and is probably super-broke. I almost felt sorry for her for a second, because I thought “man, she can’t even afford nice furniture” and then I remembered all the bad life choices she’s made. Like taking a picture of herself dressed as Sharon Tate and posting it on Manson’s birthday.

I was going to say the same thing. “First Afro-Coiffed Model...” come again?? She’s the first one??

In the country I’m currently living in right now, there are THREE official languages (English is one of them), so everyone here speaks at least two of languages. I wouldn’t even be able to work at Starbucks because I don’t speak at least one of the other two official languages :/

Sorry for my dirty mind :/

Christmas is already getting harder to enjoy, but I wouldn’t be able to deal if your situation.

we tipped, because they were paid nothing, now we will not tip because they get min. wage.

Even when a server is tipped in cash, they are supposed to declare it as part of their income and get taxed on it. Of course no one does that, and by tipping in cash you’re ensuring they get the tip they deserve, but they are supposed to declare it by law.

where santa is surfing or in the outback

I’m ALWAYS amused when that happens. To other people. Is your lanyard made of telephone cord? Because THOSE are my favorite need to be burned.

Yeah this thread got really tangled (SEE WHAT I DID THERE), but I was being a gutter-minded adolescent pre-teen: