Lol. Wait what?

Are we still talking about hair?

Heels are the work of the devil.

I’m usually just a walking bruise.

If you had my mom, she’d ask you if you were pregnant.

Someone else said their hair gets snagged too, but I thought they were trolling me. That’s next level clumsy right there, gifted friend.

Seriously?? OUCH

It was only under Bush II that they started enforcing any of this

Have you ever leaned in to take a sip of your fancy mojito but because you were looking at your friend you didn’t see the straw correctly and it went up your nose AND STAYED THERE? You might be me if that happened to you.

I love the post-trip “maybe skipping up the stairs will disguise the fact that I tripped” skip. (Guilty, btw).

I love lamp.

I wish I could give you so many stars.

For reeeaaallll tho. Like I said somewhere else, I am all for working hard and earning things. But why do I have to earn access to health?? It implies that some people deserve to die or buried in debt forever from health issues. Just NO. Health-related debt is not a punishment anyone deserves for not being wealthy.

WHAT. IS. THIS. SHIT. How recent is this?? Because my company in Spain didn’t do any of this (not that I care, in fact, I want to thank them), but now I’m in a country that apparently cares (hence the bank scenario) I might be affected by this. I’m still fighting the idea that the US needs to know what I’m making

1) I knew what you meant, and I agree with you, I was just afraid of negative backlash from non-Americans who have suffered much worse things than having trouble opening a bank account, and I wanted to make sure it was clear I know my little bank account issue is a small one in the big picture. Having your bank

Clumsiness runs in my family. I regularly have bruises on my legs from bumping into table edges. At least once a week I get snagged by a door handle (image below, although it’s never my jeans but more usually a sleeve or my purse). Jennifer Lawrence has the bad luck of being caught on camera, but women are tripping on

Your GIF game is truly inspiring.

P.S. Although I’ll never make that much money, there’s no way I would ever pay double tax. I don’t even see how they can possibly force an American abroad to do that, regardless if it’s “the law”. That’s just absurd.

Yes, it was recently, and if the goal is to keep people from tax evasion, I can get behind that. The thing is, I haven’t worked in the States for 10 years and what I want to do is transfer my Spanish money, not my American dollars (all eleven of them...). But it doesn’t matter, because I’m American :/ If it weren’t

Also: wine.

True. Buuuut I’m pretty sure there are a lot more non-American people affected by how America treats them (and worse). So, although I agree with you, I still think I/we have it a lot better than some :/