Lol. Wait what?

I just moved from Spain! (I moved to another country in Europe). Was there ten years. Spain taught me how to view people as humans, whereas the States taught me how to view people according to their jobs/desire to work. Spain taught me that health is not a luxury only for the rich but a right for everyone. One thing I

I am determined to break the will of the f*cking declensions. You’re not the boss of me, Dative!! Don’t even get me started on the verbs at the end of sentence. Here’s a translation of a sentence in German I learned today:

LOL!!! I haven’t told my husband yet, but he thanks you in advance. This is GOLD.

I just moved to a new country in Europe (from another country in Europe) and when my husband and I went to open a bank account, as soon as I said I was American the guy said “ooooooooh yeah, well, that’s kind of complicated...” and proceeded to explain to me that I would have to contact a special advisor to have him

Thank you for giving me something fun to say in my next German class. Just when I thought German couldn’t be fun, you go and show me that German still sucks ass but sometimes it sucks less.

I think she’s a good actor too, and I can’t think of a movie of hers I didn’t like. The article proved that some celebrities are not only pleasant but are in fact SUPER nice, which kind of balances out the jerks. There ought to be an “I met Matt Damon and here’s how nice he was” page somewhere, he’s got enough

Me again: I’ll be writing posts about NaNoWriMo with the idea that those of you/us who are writing during November can get together and share ideas, vent, get advice, etc. I wrote one post already but I’m new to Kinja and don’t know how to reference it here :/ Check out my posts/feel free to participate there in the

I’ll be writing posts about NaNoWriMo with the idea that those of you/us who are writing during November can get together and share ideas, vent, get advice, etc. I wrote one post already but I’m new to Kinja and don’t know how to reference it here :/ Check out my posts/feel free to participate there in the comments if

I’ll be writing posts about NaNoWriMo with the idea that those of you/us who are writing during November can get together and share ideas, vent, get advice, etc. I wrote one post already but I’m new to Kinja and don’t know how to reference it here :/ Check out my posts/feel free to participate there in the comments if

See how Roma Maffia’s hair just sits perfectly around her face? That’s my dream. I, too, am glad I’ve got relatively thick and healthy hair, but what’s the point when it has to be kept up in a ponytail or bun? My curly hair also makes me look like a child - thanks, hair, for making my struggle to be taken seriously in

Your last sentence said it all. Whatever you’re doing, just keep it up! I’m rolling around in my head an idea about how to organize those of us who are writing (whether forNaNoWriMo or otherwise) and could use support. If I do it, I’ll make sure to let you and the others here know and we’ll see how it goes. Until

Thaaaaank you. Not all curls are equal, and while a “good” curl is amazing and worthy of adulation, a “bad” curl (mainly frizz, or in my case, frizz and major cowlicks right around the frame of my face) is a curse. Thanks to my super awesome cowlicks, the curls fall into my eyes. Bangs would be the logical solution,

This is my mistake, by “cool” and “chill” I didn’t mean “hip” and “young”, I meant “calm and collected”. Other adjectives I should have used: Composed. Self-possessed. Poised.

I know, right?? After reading the celebrity stories, I came away from it feeling like if a celebrity seems not so pleasant, they probably aren’t. And if they seem friendly and cool, they probably are. There are bound to be exceptions, but for the most part, your instinct is probably right.

Everything about the intensive R&D behind that dumb red cup is accurate. I almost believe the part about them paying a douchebag to gripe on camera about how a red coffee cup is threatening the integrity of Christmas. Case in point: douchebag complains about a red cup on FB, then he goes to the company he complained

I actually have no idea! Where I lived for the past ten years Starbucks wasn’t as popular as in the States, and in addition, people there don’t have the habit of taking coffee to go, so if you didn’t frequent Starbucks, you never saw the cups. I’ve been to Starbucks a handful of times, but I don’t recall a holiday

“Outrage MadLibs” Nailed it.

I actually feel really bad for all the Christians who, apart from not giving a shit about a lazy-as-hell marketing strategy of Starbucks, are embarrassed yet again by some small fanatic group of insecure, idiot “Christians” making them all the others look bad. Only the (few) crazies make the news, and it’s never good

“I have no money for CDs at the moment” ummmmmm piracy anyone???(just kidding, I pay for music too, it’s our little secret, no one has to know, shhhhhh) NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS.

*SWOON* I’d be afraid to see my favorite celebrities in action in person, should they turn out to be complete assholes and ruin my love for them forever. My sister worked in a store in Savannah, Georgia, and Robin Wright came in once and was not pleasant. Rose McGowan came in once and was nice/normal. You never know