Lol. Wait what?

MM’s music isn’t my cup of tea, but when I listen to him in interviews, I don’t hate him. He usually comes off as intelligent and not a bullshitter. What do I know, it could be a facade and premeditated, but it appeals to me. I’m interested in what he has to say and I don’t get the feeling he’s been coached or that

1) Wow. I asked and boy did I receive. I find it really eerie that you were sick and stayed home the day this happened. And, not to make light of a really tragic incident, but I’m going to remember your super insulated wall measurements. I can hear my neighbor blow his nose.

So I looked up the Marilyn Manson/Lana del Rey video thing, and it turns out that it was a random person who mashed together Marilyn Manson footage and some disturbing footage of Lana (acting) being sexually assaulted by Eli Roth for some project that never happened. MM said he’s friends with Lana, but he had nothing

Whoa, can we back up to the part about the body being found on your yard? I speak for us all when I say we need more details.

Is your aunt’s work hiring? Asking for a friend.

I’m working on a short story, and I was doing really well until I started working on the second draft and going “I know this isn’t finished yet, but boy do you have a lot of suck to overcome” :/ This is my first time REALLY committing to finishing a piece, so I don’t know what the outcome will be.

I’m seriously considering creating a blog called “NanoWriMostoftheyear”. Or better yet, someone else do this for me because this novel isn’t going to write itself.

1) LOL and thank you. You say that now, but just wait until you see me confess to someone else on Jezebel my love for Lana del Rey (true story) or something equally as embarrassing and you’ll be like “oooooh yeah okay maybe not...” *hits backspace a bajillion times*

And not only that, but they make such fools of themselves, proving that acting normal/chill and not coming off as an idiot or a dick is harder than it looks. I understand Hillary is being strategic and trying to show us how cool and chill she is. And she’s doing it really well. Why this is so hard for so many of the

1) If wanting penis is wrong, then I don’t wanna be right.

Off topic: I could REALLY use a “Theoretically Nanowrimo” support group. Can you imagine how big that group would be?!? SO much support.

Soooo I might be magic, but...I’ve never felt envy/jealousy towards other women. Ever. But my girlfriends and sisters (except one...) don’t get jealous either. Even at my lowest point of self-esteem in middle school/high school, I didn’t hate the cool, pretty, popular girls at all - I assumed they (like the popular

Yes! That happened to me with a roommate my second year in college. I had a group of guy friends I spent a lot of time with (and who became, by association, my roommate’s friends), and because my roommate isn’t capable of healthy friendships with guys, she assumed they they wanted me or that they were boning me, I

Thank you for giving me something to remember when I inevitably get “too busy” to write. This is serious motivation right here, what a great perspective :D

Gay sex ed. Just another example of an issue I would have never thought of on my own (or with my straight white upper-middle class people). My mind is blown. [And this is why I love the internets and the people it connects me with.]

Laughter’s the best medicine, after all.

It’s almost as if there’s no such thing as trying too hard when it comes to pitting women against women! Ah good times.

So Doc, what do you prescribe? Is it curable?

I would pay to give your comment a million stars.