Lol. Wait what?

Starred for “go snorkeling” :)

Just another example of how Conservatives don’t really care about the well-being of individuals, they just don’t want anyone getting anything “for free”. Unless if it’s them or a loved one. Then it’s ok.

Spanish Philology FTW!! Ironically enough, I paid back my student loan in record time - TEACHING ENGLISH (I’ve lived in Europe for the past ten years). People are willing to pay silly money for private classes, it’s ridiculous. I’m bored with teaching English and want to do something more interesting/challenging/new,

Just reading through this conversation, had to say that your earlier response didn’t come off as abrupt or rude at all, both sides seemed really civilized to me. I’m new-ish to Jezebel and I have to say, I really like the conversations that happen here and the commenters, people here seem to have the douchebag-volume

I’m just now hearing about this “human baby” nonsense and it straight up creeps me the fuck out. Let’s ignore the fact that she’s been legally of-age for four years - she’s tiny and has a babyface (and wears cat ears, so what), so we classify her as a baby. But if she appeared older, we’d respect her more - it’s

The other day in a group whatsapp, a guy friend of mine (who’s usually very sensitive) posted a joke someone sent him that basically revolved around how women act “hysterical” when pregnant and on pre-natal vitamins or something. I REALLY wanted to post something snarky, like the Toy Story meme where Buzz says

Yaaaaasssss to the Bert show on Q100! Sure, they don’t talk about anything deep and it’s light and fluffy, but I would listen to that every morning on my way to work for my first job out of college. My job was awful, and I was awful at it, and I dreaded going in. My commute was about 75 minutes, and then (because I

What just happened to you is a phobia of mine. I feel for you. Maybe I can make this better with a GIF?? Just learned today how to do it!! *hugs*

I haven’t lived in the States for ten years, but when I visit, I HAVE to have Chili’s Southwestern egg rolls with that magical sauce. I don’t know if I’ve ever eaten anything else there other than that there. And yes, I have very low standards for food.

I’ll try that. However, all the GIFs spark joy in me, so KM’s method won’t be much help when it’s time to throw the GIFs away. Let me know if you find a way to roll up the GIFs so that they stand upright in the folder. They’re “happiest” that way.

Yeah :/ It’s probably the universe’s way of telling me to get off the internet already and go do something productive. I can take a hint. Going to learn All The German now. Tsüß!

OMG I did it!! I’d like to find a way to not save them onto my computer, as another posted suggested copying/pasting (how can that be so hard??), but I’m not gonna lie, this GIF is worth having downloaded lol. Thanks!! :D

Forgot to add, on my Mac right clicking is just tapping with two fingers. Left clicking is tapping with one. I tried to add a GIF but when I pasted the image address and published it, it was just a link and not a GIF...Actually I’ll show you what it looks like:

I’m working on adding a GIF here but....*sigh*

T H AN K Y O U . I knew it couldn’t be so hard, but I just hadn’t tried it yet, in part because I was afraid it would be hard. Also, in the event that it was some kind of next level situation, I didn’t want to ask you guys and you be like “ugh newbies” lol. I can’t wait to try this, GIFs are like my internet candy

I didn’t get why my mom would make me clean up before the cleaners came, until I got a cleaner myself a few years ago. I GET IT NOW. My cleaner came for 2 hours, and I wanted every dollar going towards cleaning, not moving around shit. The less she had to move around, the more thoroughly she could clean. And agreed

In Spain, a coffee is espresso plus a ton of milk and as much/little sugar you want. It’s AMAZING. Lots of people order a “stained” coffee which is mostly milk with a touch of coffee. I love coffee but could never drink it “straight up”.

Oh god so good. I’m new to kinja, my next life goal (after mastering German and writing a bestselling novel obviously) is learning how to insert GIFs. Meh, I might learn the GIFs thing first, who knows. But first, wine. I’m still here watching Sparrow bid me farewell. Mesmerized.

It sounds like you and your circle of male friends share similar handyman skills. But, and I mean this in the most polite way possible, I think it’s a mistake to speak for all men and imply they can all build a deck, fix a faulty light switch, or fix a fence. Like I said, in your social group this seems to be the