Lol. Wait what?

Thank you. The two examples brijazz mentioned are silly. I’ve been living on my own for over ten years now and not once have I needed to mend a fence, fix a door, etc., “and so forth” (???). My husband impressed the hell out of me once when we accidentally locked ourselves inside a friend’s house whose cat we were

This example as well as others show that women are just as guilty for perpetuating the idea that women ought to be doing household chores. I’m hoping it’s the older generation of women more so than the current one, I don’t have any girlfriends who live that way or find it acceptable. I mean, here we all (men and

Your GIF game is on point.

This is the kind of comment that makes jezebel great.


“...legally speaking, marriage is NOT about love and commitment”. Well, yeah, I agree with what you’re saying, but I’m having issues with the wording. I agree that a marriage certificate is nothing more than a financial contract, but we don’t go around offering this contract to just anyone, we happen to only offer it

THANK YOU. I wish this conversation was first, I’m so glad I bothered to keep reading the comments.

Agreed. I find the whole “if he wants to marry you, he’ll propose” argument just perpetuates the (ridiculous and sexist) belief that men ought to be the ones proposing and women should either wait for it or leave if it doesn’t happen when they want. It’s really refreshing to read here so many women who proposed to

I think he meant “wedding” rather than “marriage”: “in my mind our wedding would be a fun, cheap little excursion”

Thanks for your reply. My biggest fear is going through ALL that, and then ending up homeless. That would never happen because I have two very supportive parents I could lean on, plus siblings. But I still have that fear, I’m now seeing how silly that is I guess. I’m glad you seem to be doing better now, after going

So, I’m bony-thin, blonde and white, and I wear my hair in a bun regularly. I figured I was already 80% in costume for “Black Swan”. And, due to the lack of originality of this costume idea, it was easy to find a costume dress. (I still ended up going to a crafts store to buy rhinestones and feathers to jazz it up,

My biggest fear: in summer when I wear sandals, I’m terrified I won’t see a sharp object like a needle on the ground and that as I’m walking it’ll get shoved up under a toe nail. I still wear sandals, just can’t look up. Bonus benefit: I never step in dog shit or gum.

I’m reading through all these posts because your story is fascinating (I’m a skeptic, in theory don’t believe in this stuff, but it’s fascinating nonetheless). My question is OT though....I read earlier you said your biggest fear was financial insecurity. So is mine: I want to know, how did you survive going through

In theory, I don’t believe in ghosts. But these stories creep me out because there’s always a possibility that one or some of ghost stories are true. Just because I don’t believe in it, or that I’ve never experienced it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I’m sure a lot of these ghost stories are made up for fun, but it’s

Mirrors freak me out any time of day, and I’m also a skeptic.

LOL that’s clever. Those are the things I never think of! My fear, though, is that there’d be people who wouldn’t get it, and I’d have to say all night “I’m a stick person...” Here in Europe Halloween is strictly traditional scary stuff, so there’s that :/ But I do like the clever idea, thanks!

Thanks :) That level of commitment though is, like you said, is one of the reasons why I don’t dress up often/ever for Halloween. Everyone loved my costume though, and it was really rewarding to get such great feedback all day. (I worked at a university, it was allowed/encouraged to dress up).

THIS. I never dressed up for Halloween for these reasons (mainly the first one) until last year. I took a day off for other reasons, and ended up having plenty of time to find a costume and props, and I committed to a 1.5-hour-long make-up session (thank you Youtube tutorials). It was epic. Maybe I’ll do it again in

“With all due respect John, I am the head of IT and I have it on good authority that if you type ‘Google’ into Google, you can break the Internet. So please, no one try it, even for a joke.” LOVE that show.

Grizlygamer’s manager, is that you???