
I like how everyone is all, "THEN DON'T GO" as if they didn't read the part where she mentions that Andrew should decline some invites. I'm genuinely surprised at the anger people are harboring from this simple article.

I remember my mom telling me she was an insufferable know-it-all when she had my sister because she thought she was a perfect parents because my sis was so well-behaved. Then I came along and was a whirling dervish of destruction and mayhem and my mom realized she'd just lucked out with a calm first child hahaha love

Nah, she's right. What you're missing is that TAMPONS is a new internet abbreviation, like LOL. This one stands for - The Absurdly Misinformed Palaver Of Non-credentialed Silverstones

"What in the everloving fuck of all the fucks."

She was making room for the baby.

Damn, if I had only been eating more gluten free muffins, that pesky PPD wouldn't have flared up. And, I bet it was the coffee I drank while pregnant that caused my son to spaz out and flip into a footling breech position at 41 weeks, requiring me to have section. Better luck next time!

I'm all for folks raising their children in the way they see fit (excluding neglect & the bad stuff, obvs.) But I have no shame in admitting I'm FULL-ON JUDGING the baby birding technique. What in the everloving fuck of all the fucks.

I read the phrase elimination communication and had a conscious uncoupling from my sanity.

It really burns my noodle when people who have benefited from good luck, good health care and/or won the genetic lottery take their good fortune as proof that they have somehow found the Holy Grail of parenting, and proselytize whatever kinky path they've taken as The Way.

Take this advice, which is fine advice, and get your resume thrown in the trash by some idiot HR person that thinks there is only one way to do resumes (which is not the way you did yours, of course).

That's kind of a weird story. I mean, there's no allegation of an actual crime to investigate. And the whole "woke up in a hospital bed without knowing how she got there" bit is not very enlightening.

If the Braves were really trying to put that fire out, they would have just let Dan Uggla and B.J. Upton take some swings at it.

I love that white truck making a left turn. Just paused to let a red-light running cement truck that almost t-bones him pass and continued on his merry way.

First of all, I'm saddened to hear this news - my condolences to the Warrior's wife & daughters in this hard time.
I've got quite the Ultimate Warrior story for all of you. When I was in 6th grade, I lived in Foster City, California - just a little South of San Francisco. Every month or two, when the WWF would make

What about the headlight fluid? My mechanic says I need to bring my car in once a month to make sure that stays full.

It's not like she thinks these people would be on her show. But that these are the people she would choose if she could choose anyone she wanted. In giving her answer I really doubt that she assumed that they were realistic choices.