
But I’m sure that dressing your son up as a animal torturing pedophile is perfectly acceptable, right?

Good to know we are still celebrating an animal torture fetishist and child rapist. 

They aren’t heart breaking, they’re pathetic.

Ah yes, continuing to use gay people as a product. Love it. I’ve been doing the same with feminists in my mobile games.

Ah shit never mind I clicked a damn Jezebel link again, of course you vapid cunts are confused.

....chick with paint on her legs. What’s the big deal?


...yeah maybe for art majors and grandmothers.

Hopefully it suffocates everyone there.

Fat chick is critical of fat chick being fat. Next on Jezebel.

Thank God Miller got shit canned. Go ruin something else and leave Deadpool alone.

“we purchased a game system that was triple the price in the stores, but with no credit that’s how our kids got Christmas.”

I could have gone without watching that.

Who in the fuck thought Kyle Chandler would make a good Cable? Has Miller even fucking seen a Deadpool comic?

Soooo... they made a 14 year old that got his hands on Photoshop?

Amazing. Simply amazing.

So I stopped watching the show because it’s boring as hell, but anyone wanna explain why 11 people are afraid of one guy with a bat? Or is that just another part of the show that’s retarded as hell?

Not a single one of these movies was anything more than boring hand cam horse shit.

The sad part is that you genuinely believe yourself. I am embarrassed for you.

Maybe you could ask them to teach your joke of a company how to setup update rules.

Also, if you think a 10TB DataSet is ground breaking, yes, you’re still a joke, but we already covered that.

My God that was a terrible wreck of a movie.