
“Extending the wheelbase 110 inches, widening the track 14 inches...” I think there’s an extra 0 tacked on to the extension of the wheelbase. Unless he added 9 feet to the car.

Wait, the technology from a 90 year old manufacture who has diligently built its reputation on safety could have prevented the crash?

It must be nice working for Uber, though I hope you’ve got another job lined up. Feel like this programme is only one more embarassment to/potential lawsuit against Uber away from being shuttered...

I think its time to crack down hard on tech-bro computer programmers calling themselves software “engineers” without any actual fucking credentials because no licensed professional engineer should ever have allowed a lethal machine with only one flimsy human safeguard in contact with the public.

I am completely shocked that Jezebel would take this tone just because the initial complaint comes from a conservative organization. This storyline is gross and downright dangerous to be teaching small children. As someone who HAS a small child, they absolutely DO emulate the actions of anthropomorphized animals in

A Big Fuck Off To The Writer Of Jezebel

Seemingly? This hot take is an extremely bad take. Don’t dismiss facts just because you don’t care for the politics of the source.

I do not believe a child is misguided enough to interpret what is happening to a dog that talks as something that could possibly be happening to them.

“I do not believe a child is misguided enough to interpret what is happening to a dog that talks as something that could possibly be happening to them”

I was expecting to see an article here about this, but this is not the tone I imagined.
How do you not see the problem with teaching kids that “it’s ok if someone wants to touch your genitals, just go to your happy place”?

I’m shocked at the tone of this article. Just because it’s a conservative group doesn’t mean that they couldn’t be right on this one thing.

Those aren’t great vehicles to compare a sedan to, Chief.

Since when did we decide that buttons, dials, switches and levers are not more intuitive since you dont need to look down and stare at it to change something? Wouldn’t this be common sense to these car interior designers and developers. Is this all for the sake of “style” and “living in the future”?!

Great. 0-60 almost immediately, but slows down worse than a truck. Sure, can’t wait to sling the autopilot on with THAT catastrophic mix.

Now playing

I am not making fun of Musk, I respect him. But it did remind me of this:

I thought this was all a joke when I got to the last quote: “Have you ever seen Rick and Morty?”

Bluebeard of Queens?

shit i hope they don’t. it’ll be fun watching them swear up and down quinoa butter soothes genital warts.

I think it’s awesome that Durianrider cannot reproduce and Freelee has no desire to. The buck stops with them. I can’t think of a better outcome.