Typical shit reporting from Black Flag
Typical shit reporting from Black Flag
TIL that many of my fellow car fans are white supremacists. cool...
At least one dead.
He knows it’s not going to punch back, right? soft poke soft poke soft poke
Does Trump know about this film
And it’s mild mild mild....
Truly, that shit was grounded to the ground.
Jalopnik’s writers are 1) kinda shitty 2) woefully uninformed about racing
Basic common sense, automotive knowledge and Googling could have brought the author to this...
lots of people have braked too late and gotten stuck there over the years
With God as my witness, they are broken in half.
woo woooo
“$20 million dollars”
Why do they have old people as drivers?
I think it looks good. Why does Jalopnik have to constantly ride the old, tired “har har dick joke” train? And the “har har Mercedes always wins” train? Why not some actual analysis by people who really know F1?
This is a death on stage
She’s my little Deuce coupe...you don’ know what I goooooot