
It's a good thing Inspector Spacetime never ran into that problem.

I dunno, there was a glimmer of care in the "Unity" episode after the town got nuked. If a guy can easily pick up replacements when he needs them, then why would he ever worry?

OOoooooohhhh boy. Yeah. That show was the bleakest of the bleak.

Which episode had the National Chess League, where one player brings out Regina: an experienced queen from a much larger chess set?

It made me think more about that pink beam of intelligence that told PKD his kid had a birth defect.

All the parts that could have gotten them away from the black hole. Nice going, guys.

Where are the cybermen getting all that metal to build their bodies? What part of the ship are they stripping for parts?

Nice appearance by the Cloister Bell, BTW.

"Kiss me."

Oh, like you wouldn't? You know all your kinks. It's like making a voodoo doll of yourself and giving it a nice backrub.

It would have been time better spent than the monks.

You'd think she'd remember something like that.

But one of the fun things in this episode is they can go _down_ but not _up_, due to the time dilation problem. These folks are in a literal race against time.

I kept wanting him to just give her a hug. Just something.

And at the end of Pride month, to boot.

“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.”

I don't know if anyone had pointed it out, but "The Tenth Planet" was also when the First Doctor regenerated into the Second.