
Hey now, just thinking about Razor's silly accent. Was he channeling Maximilian Schell?

He must have gotten help from Maximilian. Horrific on-screen Disney death!

G'dang. And here I am, basing what I know about the rest of the world on trips to Canada. But it's good to learn! I do wish, however, we could all move to a more reasonable system like metric. It just seems more…scientific. Less likely to crash on Mars and stuff like that.

Mexican Radio! But really, "Factory" was the better track off that album.

2nu - This Is Ponderous

I thought they went metric in 1965. Dang.

And this whole time, I thought the Roche limit was three beers.

Welp, that's the third appearance of the shabby jacket, which seems like a piece of comfort-wear at this point.

When you can travel through time, how do you measure "before"?

I could see the Black Hole thing, considering what happened to the crew of the Cygnus. I saw that in theaters and I was VERY scared when they started to fry out Yvette Mew-mew's brain.

Doubtful Omega could make it back after that mishap with the recorder.

Yeah, Nardole suggested using it to "go back and make it right".

Why bother with a woodchipper when there's a black hole _right there_?

I still think ti's weird that a science-fiction show out of the UK is still using quaint little concepts like "miles".

Fourarmed is forewarned.

I kept trying to figure out where his accent came from. If he's a descendant of the same "settlers" as everyone else, then how would that have happened? So we already knew he wasn't from the ship.

At the end of all this, we finally get to see the Rani, but dressed up like Bill.

That was straight-up "Catch 22" soldier in white shit there.

That is true; it's just a pity how it was used. Man, I could get sucked into an Adam Curtis rabbit-hole right now about everything and everyone that was involved.

I gotta say I loved the hair design in this episode. Bilquis' Nefertiti-cut 'fro in her first scene was inspired and perfect. Heck, even Technical Boy had that silly page/monk cut when he met her in the museum.