
If the nearly ancient sign says Taqueria followed by a number, you’re good to go.

Some things I’ll just never understand no matter how much I try. What would make you want a huge, ripped male body with a female face and haircut? How can you identify as two completely opposite things? How are your thoughts (gender identity) different between male and female?

OK, and here we go. Would you allow this transwoman to fight in UFC against other women?

Oreos. Or butter. ETA: Broreos

More of a “fuck off” wrenchingly, I would say

I have a pan of bacon on the stove as we speak. Speak like thuuuuus,

Never go to Australia.


I swear to jebus, if this is just some marketing campaign for a goddamned Meryl Streep film.....

Interesting article,

I take back my statement. If you moved here from Waco, congratulations on escaping.

I was so glad that they treated it like the bullshit gender bias issue that it is. You know who has peak vocal fry? IRA FUCKING GLASS. SIT DOWN, SIR.

transplant spotted. No one from here gives a shit about tacos.

I love the trio, but unless the new show can capture the amazing filmography like you described in the vietnam special, this show won’t take off as good. The bbc employs some of the best filmmakers, editors, and directors in the world, its going to be hard to keep up with that.

It’s said that money doesn’t so much as change people, but bring out the person that they truly are. I think that’s true.

I know they probably won’t, because the general public eats up the non-driving related stuff, but fewer staged “make a motorized wheel chair” or “hovervan” (parts were funny but it was painfully obvious how scripted and controlled it was) type segments and a greater focus on great cars, great friends, and great

Good point. We should be thankful that this show didn’t land on Hulu, where you get the ads even with the premium membership.

A full episode of the Interceptors.

What would I like to see...besides Jeremy Clarkson punching Jeff Bezos?

A showdown of some sort between Regular Hammond and Evil Hammond.