I hate to be that guy...
I hate to be that guy...
My rooted S5 still serves me wonderfully, and I’ll keep it until it dies off or Samsung cut the unremovable battery bullshit, whatever comes first.
They certainly hate Scientology, as they came right out and called it a scam in the episode. (Which is not a bad thing, as Scientology *IS* a major scam, and deserves to be hated).
Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.
Sad to see them just abandon the game like this. I personally really enjoyed the game in spite of its flaws and was looking forward to the Quarian ark DLC teased at the end of the game.
Apple is the most profitable company http://fortune.com/2017/06/07/fortune-500-companies-profit-apple-berkshire-hathaway/
“Jobs are created by the wealthy”
Cue the “libertarian” apologists, 99.99% of which are not and never will be any sort of “rich,” to whine about “They don’t use it, so why should they have to paaaaay for it.”
No one is being “penalized”. What is wrong with all you bootlickers? They make money at the pleasure of the rest of us. “You didn’t build that” etc. That they get to keep any money is their reward.
We can’t blame you for having bad taste.
It still doesn’t have Galactic Conquest?
From the screens and stuff I’ve seen they really nailed the look and feel of Vvardenfell. It’s a shame it’s locked behind a shitty mmo that can’t make up its mind if it wants to be an mmo or single player rpg.
Far out in a digital ocean of blue bricks sits the often-forgotten Lego Island. It represents the true beginning of…
If we’re going to hold fiction responsible for misrepresenting things we’ve got a lot of work to do.
Huh, it’s weird. But we beta test automotive controls systems on public roads every day. Really temperamental ones without any actual skill or programming. And they often make mistakes that lead to the deaths of vehicle occupants, bystanders, and pedestrians. We just call it “driver’s education” and the automotive…
100% agree. But they get away with it because the driver must keep his/her hands on the wheel at ALL times and must be paying attention 100% of the time. Now, the reality is that doesn’t happen... Hell, why would you do those things if your car has ‘auto pilot?’
I still don’t get how beta testing vehicle technology with the general public is ethical or even legal. I realize this is the usual way software is beta tested, but this is 2+ ton rolling machine. There is a serious public safety issue here.
He also had 12 other BMWs stored in the parking lot of the company he worked for.