
I second that the s5 is a perfect phone. I want an s5 2.0

It can be hard, but there are tells. My wife can tell if a guy is an abusive bastard simply by looking in their eyes (hasn’t been wrong yet as far as I know). A lot of times these tells can be very subtle and if you don’t know what you are looking for you can misinterpret cues. In this situation it was probably

...I have that card...not mint but still shiny all these years later...

Congratulations on misunderstanding every statement I made simply to fuel your need to be ignorant. You obviously hate your country because it survives off of socialist programs and services. Your ignorance of communism is painting me as a supporter of communism when I am not for either version (totalitarian political

Look, I understand what you are saying. However, having your performance in the open air for all the world to see if they have the means is their fault. You can’t censor peoples eyes. It’s the proprietor’s job to control the venue and access. If you don’t want something to be accessible then you make it inaccessible.

Let’s put it this way, say a person makes 7.50 an hour and works 60 hours a week. That’s 1800 before taxes. Let’s then add a low 20% Total tax deduction to make it 1440 a month. Now, let’s use springfield MO as an example with studio apartments as low as 415 (real crappy). That leaves 1025. Now, add in utilities minus

They just don’t understand that there is a complex web similar to food webs. Working backwards is the rich do something to make money. Then workers assist and do the majority of the work. The workers require the public transportation to do that work. If they can’t do that work, then they can’t pay to create the demand

They aren’t stealing a thing. Baseball teams sell their seats not their performance. It’s like Broadway performing in a glass building and passersby look in.

“Equality means the short guy gets the same chance as anyone else to buy a second box. Socialism and Communism mean we all give up our freedoms to give the short guy a second box because for whatever reason, he couldn’t get one for himself, even though lots of other short guys had no problem getting one on their own.”

Technically that minority group is generally the ones taxing themselves.... oh wait you were talking about the minority group within the minority group.

Sorry, but the way the information was gathered is highly suspect. Using a sampling of 1 million out of the available 48 from a site that has a biased listing can and will produce biased results. Example top gamers spend excessively more time playing a few games they like. The people at the bottom of a rank list can

Sorry, but the way the information was gathered is highly suspect. Using a sampling of 1 million out of the available 48 from a site that is has a biased listing can and will produce biased results. Example top gamers spend excessively more time playing a few games they like. The people at the bottom of a rank list

I think we got our decades mixed up. It’s not about polish (many games look like crap and yet are absolutely amazing). It’s about gameplay as you mentioned as noticing. The original BF2 allowed upto 32 players at a time to face off in epic battles that had multiple objectives and multiple ways to win. Honestly, my

It probably has more to do with the fact that Congress won’t approve a proper maintenance budget so it takes a while to get proper repairs done which leaves the fleet short on ships that it needs actually doing their jobs and keeping the military ship industry afloat. Because of the requirement to constantly build

It’s never been new throughout the lifespan of earth. We fight mother nature. To stop fighting causes what we fought for to fall into ruin. It vexes me, and a lot of people I know that most of the time we can’t even properly maintain what we do have in this country because popularity is more important because it gets

You forget history. Finite resources bring war when one side gets desperate or greedy enough. Our military makes us a big threat and have a global reach. In fact one can argue our dependency on our military is the biggest reason we outsource much of our manufacturing as we can safely assume foreign trade will stay

Except how many of them are just point and shoot? A lot. Navies are mobile which would require guided missles to even reach their target. None of those ships stay in one place long enough or let aircraft close enough to mark them for nukes to be a primary threat except those at port. You seem to overestimate the

One hopes as that was my favorite game mode. 1 battle, 3 routes to victory or defeat.

Except we don’t care if it plays like the original, just give us the original game modes and it will make a lot of people very happy

I feel you bro.