
Disappointingly Diplomatic Obama is the only Obama there’s ever been. I like the guy and he was a decent prez I voted for twice, but Jesus CHRIST I am disappointed with how he spent so much time trying to appease people who hated his guts by selling out supposed liberal positions before negotiations even started.

It might not be racism but calling someone out for speaking on social issues probably is some sort of -ism, if not several of them.

He’s a predator, duh.

“Hockey isn’t your thing.”

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

I’d love to find bias lighting that changes depending on what’s displayed on the screen, exactly like how LG used to have their Ambilight.

I’d love to find bias lighting that changes depending on what’s displayed on the screen, exactly like how LG used to

Correct. Not even a question.

1. Original Metal Tipped Lawn Jarts......end of discussion.

Jumping/falling from heights is one of the most popular methods to commit suicide in NYC. The reason for this is two fold: lack of access to the most commonly used method nationwide (firearms), and an unusual amount of access to extreme heights.

Sure, we can all keep a careful air of suspicion, but suicide can occur with anyone. I knew a successful public official who shot himself because he suffered from fugue (he disappeared for days and weeks at a time, and it was coming more frequently; he wrote that he wanted to spare his family any more embarrassment).

I understand the impulse given her station, race, and religious affiliation, but without verifiable evidence, believing such based on gut feeling alone isn’t prudent. That’s how conspiracy theorists think. Feelings before facts is a big part of what’s wrong with culture right now. No need to add to it.

I watched enough Quincy, M.E. growing up to know that every single death is a murder. Also, it’s cool to live on a houseboat.

Successful people commit suicide. Black people commit suicide. Muslim people commit suicide. The police obviously need to rule out every possibility of foul play. But based on this post we know nothing about her personal life, if she was suffering from depression, having financial problems, found out she had incurable

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

this is the good shit

I just went to check on my toothpaste. Colgate Optic White has a similar style cap. It’s sitting on the cap like it should and I’ve never had an issue with it. My only other conclusion is that runny toothpaste is dumb and negates the title of paste.

If you don’t click it the way it’s supposed to but still store it properly standing on the lid you’re in for an even bigger mess than anything pictured here.

Guys...guys you’re supposed to stand the toothpaste on the FLAT BOTTOM like it’s designed to be stored...the tension keeps the lid’s not that hard.

Yeah, but you’re missing an important part of the argument.

Maybe the cheerleaders did something completely disgusting and amoral, like going to a restaurant with a married man.