
Everyone on that show had a punchable voice.

He already has two blood tattoos on his hand. You can see them in this picture.

Love how you can tell from the wrist snap it's going in. Beautiful shot.

I am not fully convinced those Harry & David pears aren't grown on another planet. They are so fucking insane.

Oh. I've seen it. I want to immolate him in that stupid dad shirt.

I suppose it’s better than when they kept referring to him as “Amy, good gorilla".

If someone could have what can be described as a “punchable voice” it is Drew.

There is nothing than can convince me to listen to Drew’s smarmy white person voice.

Don't even need a window. Shitty office fluorescent light work just fine.

Don't even need a window. Shitty office fluorescent light work just fine.

I would just shit on them

But now who is gonna bail out Bobby Schmurda? Will somebody think of the children?????

You only wrote this article to brag about going to UVA. Typical wahoo.

My brain has trouble comprehending what he does with a basketball; it’s absolutely extraordinary to watch. My only wish is that I could see it more. Being on the east coast, those golden state games go well into the early morning.

Not even + once

Does anybody know of an email client that also allows batch swipes? That is one of the greatest features ever. Waking up in the morning and automatically archiving all the junk mail that arrived overnight in one motion was a beautiful thing. I am a 0 messages in my inbox person so mailbox was the perfect mail app for

The world is going to be much worse off when he finally retires.

He probably just read a Patrick Redford article

All I can figure is thst he either gives one hell of a blowjob or has serious dirt on Denton or both.

Tell that to the millions of people whose lives have been sacrificed over the past several millennia in the name of a higher power.

He is now more on Gawker I believe.