Lollys Stokeworth Blackwater

Intensely ethnic?!? Who do you work for? The KKK? The Confederacy? The Trump family?

It sounds like the problem is that you’re a fucking idiot (not that this is news by any stretch) rather than anything the Xbox is doing.

You’re a fucking turd blanket of a human being.

Written with “Kotaku Article Maker”.

No, you’re not the only one noticing the pre-existing wang in those shorts.

“If people think GRRM is hard on women, boy just pick up a sci-fi history book!”

GRRM’s primary influences on ASoIaF in particular are Druon, Tolkien, the Wars of the Roses, Tad Williams’s Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series and the book and TV series I, Claudius. Jack Vance is more of a career-spanning influence, a writer GRRM became a fan of when young and has remained so throughout his career.

“Low fantasy” tends to be used to refer things like Harry Potter - set in “our” world but with a magical overlay.

There was this guy today at the cafe, where we were the only two people in the room, and he kept on staring at me, while I was eating, doing homework, and using the phone. And as I was using Tinder, I saw his profile, it was quite racially charged and full of fetishization (think confederate flags, Yellow Fever,