
Same here. They just never review the actually cheap options, and only touch the more expensive options.

I was thinking since the end of ROTJ, the Force found balance thanks to Luke and awakened more Force-sensitives en masse both light and dark. Luke withdrew from the front because of his horror at awakening the Sith in addition to the Jedi. Now in the time since End or both sides have been stockpiling Force-sensitive

"(IE: Force abilities are more powerful, or more commonly accessible, etc)"

So the Official Droid of FIFA, the Darkside Claymore, and the Desert Popsicle ....WHERE IS MY WOOKIE BATTLE MECHA!!!!!

The narrator returns and says, "The Dark Side, and the Light." So his message is "There has been an awakening. Have you felt it? The Dark Side and the Light." Any guesses as to what that means?

This post makes me sad because I'm with my husband's family, who is lovely & kind, but eat terrible (not as in terrible for you but delicious) food. All the veggies in the sides are frozen or come out of cans. It's just all pretty bleh/bland. I offer to make stuff, but his mom always turns me down. I did go ahead &

I had some eggs. It went pretty well, all things considered.

Net neutrality is the internet as it is right now, what we're protecting is the status quo. What are you suggesting that are lying about?

i don't need to dream since microsoft band delivers, compatible with every device, all sensors needed are there, just need a infinit battery life

This is proof that people will belive complete strangers, if they seem to say what you want, and nothing about organic food. Organic food conserns have nothing to do with flavor, and everything to do with safety.

I thought I was the only one who built the crazy souped-up machines and then abandoned my cart. LOL

Well unlike popular belief they were built by skilled workers and not slaves so there's no reason to believe that it would be particularly high mortality. In relation to the scale of the operation I would even guess that it's a surprisingly small number. The great wall of China on the other hand...

I agree 100%. When an area is colonized, those who are pushed out become immigrants who must find somewhere to migrate to. That is what is happens when gentrification occurs. From my experience, people who are "anti-gentrification" are far from "anti-immigrant". Immigrants very rarely change the landscape of a city in

I think I have to disagree with your titular proposal. Saying "Lets stop trying to teach students critical thinking" is a horrible idea. A better ideal would be "Lets identify the skills necessary for critical thought and ensure those skills are being taught to our children." In my opinion that is the far more

"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?"

How do you refill a dead rat?

He IS a bad director. Directors are STORYTELLERS. If you are unable to tell a story that engages your audience emotionally, you are not a good storyteller, and if you are not a good storyteller you are not a good director. He might be a good 2nd Unit director (action unit) but that's it. The man doesn't know how to

I'm going to go ahead and assume that you don't actually own a pool.

So when someone posts the positives in life, theyr'e embellishing. But when they post the negative, they are "being dramatic" or a "Debbie downer." Your damned if you do, and your damned if you dont. I think the problem lies with the people poring over other peoples profiles. If someone is jealous of me over my