
Aww, OK GO are precious cinnamon rolls :( They didn’t need to get roasted

I don’t use Twitter because it’s way too easy for people to utterly destroy your life. I don’t need to expose myself to internet mobs

I don’t think emojis (Or emoticons for that matter) should be considered words. They should be considered punctuation.

Hate to break it to you still but the name is still taken... :P

I’ve actually used one of these a while ago and they respond SO SMOOTHLY and respond to plain English a lot better than current voice assistants. I was disappointed that it can’t do complex math questions but it can do simple math questions (i.e. what is 15% of X?)

Is anyone else having trouble downloading it?

Yes. I completely agree!

I started with 7.0 in 9th grade :) Not nearly as long as yours but it's been quite a while since I finished my first composition (of a jockey on the back of a T-Rex)

YES! My favorite sport is going to be back on TV! I've been waiting for this day since high school!

This has happened to me! I had hundreds of notifications within an hour! And when they friended someone I was also friends with that person would tell me allllll about this new weird person that is liking every. Single. Picture on their profile.


About 10 lbs of 3/4 square inch ceramic tiles in ice purple.

Yes! I have two Jam Pluses and for $70 each they have fantastic sound, battery life, and style <3

Those are buttholes, actually.

You did it. You did it again, Albert. Last year's mashed potatoes article I claimed you the best writer in the Gawker network and you reclaimed that title with another witty op-ed about stuffing your face. I love it. I can't get enough. Happy Thanksgiving, Mr. Burneko.

The perfect health monitor. Take everything every health monitor and calorie tracker is doing right and combine it together in a way where the only time I have to interact with it is to review the data it has been quietly logging about me.

Very cool! Would be nice to drive on roads where all paint on the ground glowed like that.

Is it possible that this is a bit lost in translation and he really means to improve the quality of the structures?