
Read the papers rather than relying on summaries of them from journalists with little background in the field.

Of course providing internet service is not free.... That’s why they send you that helpful monthly bill. Now, if they can’t grow their network with the prices they sell the service at, they certainly should charge more!

Total elapsed time until I muted it: 0:04

Pornmergency is the name of my Peaches cover band.

Kmart had the “Blue Light Special” so it’s fitting that Targer has a “Red Light Special”

“Still around, surprisingly.”

“No. Sorry. I no longer care about the well-being of someone who was a violent sex offender.”

Look, man - I’m right there with you. But you have to recognize that this is the gut reaction, and the easy way out.

Not all the stories are like this one, but FUCK! This guy was institutionalized at age five. That’s

Done! I’m following you @ sfjacobperez

I think you and the WaPo have *completely* missed the point.

This looks more like the next evolution to sim towers than sim city.

If you click through to her nutritionists who apparently don’t like it, even their criticism was pretty weak. They agreed that you could live on it, and probably for a long while. Their main concern was of all the chemical compounds in fresh food that we don’t yet know about that aren’t in soylent. What would not

You: “I like something.”

Don’t throw stones.

I think people miss the point of Soylent. Yes, he comes across as a wing nut, but wouldn’t everyone like to spend less time and money on shopping, preparing, cooking and cleaning? I doubt Soylent will ever replace meals for the masses (though for some it already has), but certainly it could replace our shitty frozen

My title for this article “Bitter writer loves world of meat eating”

I, for one, welcome our Soylent-eating DC cyborg overlords.

“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”

You’ll never find a larger hive of scum and villainy.

One of my college friends has been in the Neopets fandom since she was in high school. There’s lots of rumors going around but here’s what seems to be the most accepted version of events:

Wow, I remember playing this game when I was an Internet journeychild with absolutely nothing else to do. Those were the days- I had to look at my Cybunny or whatever it was called because our computer wasn’t good enough to play actual games nor was I able to spend 5 hours to download three pornographic images because